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Senior Product Manager - Alexa France

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager - Alexa France chez

The Amazon Alexa team in France is looking for a Senior Product Manager.
Interested in designing and improving new customer experiences for Amazon Alexa in France? Come work with us!

As a Senior Product Manager you will have wide set of responsibilities to ensure our customers are delighted.
Feature development: Join the French country team in constantly bringing innovative and disruptive products to our customers, thinking about ideas and develop new features. What could be particularly relevant for French customers and could be real local delighters? Customer Experience and Product enhancements: You will be the guardian of the quality of the Alexa experience and own enhancing it end-to-end and per feature: Track metrics, identify improvement opportunities, own and drive action performance improvement plans with the different stakeholders, and report on results. Product marketing: Work with Marketing to review our customer marketing and communication materials, such as ads, product packaging, etc. What messages should we send to drive awareness and engagement with Alexa features Localization: You will own the adaptation of the experience to the French market.


We are looking for a Product Manager (female/male) who can:
Define customer experience needs, identifying gaps, feature enhancements and opportunities. Lead and drive action plans with a variety of stakeholders and secure high quality results in a timely fashion Work closely with other product, program management and engineering teams to deliver best-in-class products to market. Come up with new ideas to improve the product and enhance existing features. Work with localization program managers, localization vendors, quality assurance engineers and tool development teams to drive linguistic, stylistic and terminology management issues to resolution for new global feature launches. Work with Marketing to guide and review localization of material. Thrive in a nimble, start-up like environment Experience in product management, project/program management, product ownership, working with tech teams is required. UX design or localization experience is a plus. Fluency in French language and culture is required


Engineering or business school background 5+ years of product management or program management in consumer products Localization ou UX experience is a plus
Are you interested? We look forward to receiving your English application.

Amazon is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We value your passion to discover, invent, simplify and build.
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Senior Product Manager - Alexa France
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