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Contenu de l'offre Product Owner Simulation Kernel chez ANSYS

SUMMARY The Product Owner – Optical Simulation Kernel, carries both the strategy and the delivery of the related product development. The Product Owner has knowledge of optics and light simulation with related simulation techniques such as Monte Carlo simulation, optimization algorithms and understands the particularities of GPU and CPU solving. The Product Owner defines execution roadmap per the priorities given by the Product Manager and the availability of resources. The Product Owner is the direct interface to the product development teams and brings an educated judgement on technical and technological solutions made in relation with customer need and priorities.
RESPONSIBILITIES Collect customer feedback and build the product vision Visit customers, outline key application challenges in view of product evolutions, identify and follow early product adopters Support Sales and Pre-sales on TRL 3 to 7 products Supporting the Product Life Cycle – Along the Agile rituals Leads requirements and acceptance criteria. Documents story details based on the epics after reviewing with development. Leads backlog grooming to decompose and estimate stories. Attends scrum meetings including retrospectives and sprint reviews. Sign-off development deliverables (Sprint delivery, Release content) Relative to Product Launch Provide inputs to product marketing material Specify/Create the Use-case and Feature Demonstrations Create/Validate Technical Papers and White Papers Create/Validate product training
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Graduated from a Generalist engineering school or specialized in the technical domains of interest of the company; Master of Sciences or PhD in the technical domains of interest of the company. Experience: Minimum 3 - 5 years Technical skills: Technical culture and legitimacy; market knowledge; product technical knowledge; company organization knowledge; budget planning and controlling skills; project management skills and associated tools; management capacity; fluent in English
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS Degree in Physics or Science, Computer Sciences (or equivalent market experience) Experience in using and promoting complex software solutions; knowledge of Optics or/and Solver and Numerics or/and Virtual Reality or/and Driving Simulator solutions is necessary Aptitude for problem-solving; ability to quickly determine optimal solutions for customers Ability to network using direct (face to face) or indirect (email, phone, social media) technology Positive, collaborative, team-oriented professional with initiative and leadership qualities
CULTURE AND VALUES Culture and values are incredibly important to ANSYS. They inform us of who we are, of how we act. Values aren't posters hanging on a wall or about trite or glib slogans. They aren't about rules and regulations. They can't just be handed down the organization. They are shared beliefs – guideposts that we all follow when we're facing a challenge or a decision. Our values tell us how we live our lives; how we approach our jobs. Our values are crucial for fostering a culture of winning for our company: Customer focus Results and Accountability Innovation Transparency and Integrity Mastery Inclusiveness Sense of urgency Collaboration and Teamwork ANSYS does not accept unsolicited referrals for vacancies, and any unsolicited referral will become the property of ANSYS. Upon hire, no fee will be owed to the agency, person or entity.
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Product Owner Simulation Kernel
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