Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Product Management Lead / Senior Product Manager (EN)

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Contenu de l'offre Product Management Lead / Senior Product Manager (EN) chez Arturia


At the heart of innovative musical instrument development, you will lead the Product Management team, which is in charge of imagining and designing our future products, and you will hold Product Manager responsibilities on some of our product lines.

Your direct supervisor will be the Director General and you will be part of the Management Board.

As Product Management Lead at Arturia, your responsibilities will be the following:

Lead Product Management activities in order to ensure the relevance, consistence and complementarity of the products and product lines, to optimize planning and follow up product launches. Supervise and coach the team composed of 4 Product Managers, and support their development. Implement a methodology for market analysis in order to structure the watch and market studies and to offer Arturia the capacity to create and launch the most adequate products on its markets, supporting its brand strategy. Identify, design, communicate and validate the product features throughout the creation process until the products are brought on the market, to ensure optimized development and launch. Contribute to all stages of the product cycle thanks to strong collaboration with internal teams, especially sales, marketing, technical support and after-sales service. Promote products internally and externally, in close collaboration with R&D, sales and marketing teams.


Post-graduate degree in engineering, marketing or other relevant field, and at least 5 years of experience in product management You are passionate about computer music and have developed high theoretical and practical knowledge in this field. You are familiar with music software such as Cubase or Ableton Live As a musician, you know current music trends very well and you are able to stand for the customers You are curious, creative and passionate. You are seeking new projects and challenges. Your vision and agility allow you to understand the market, its communities, its stakeholders, and to identify opportunities. You have excellent communication skills, ability to build partnerships, to lead and stimulate communities and colleagues. You are experienced in project management; you know how to steer a project and to work within tight time constraints. You are result-oriented. Fluent English required (oral/written), French is a plus.

LOCATION: Grenoble, France

If you are willing to join passionate teams and a growing international company in the music industry, send your resume, cover letter and salary expectations to:

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Product Management Lead / Senior Product Manager (EN)
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