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Contenu de l'offre IAM Product Manager chez AXA

de l'emploi - IAM Product Manager (190001OH)

Description de l'emploi

IAM Product Manager ( 190001OH )

Lieu principal



: AXA Technology Services

Type de contrat

: Permanent


: Temps plein


Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a key Asset of the AXA transformation leading to not only support the internal requirements but also external one by supporting B2B and B2C use cases. IAM is a backbone of our Information System and highly visible in the Customer Experience and as such represents a critical asset for the organization.
The IAM Product Manager bridges the technical and business worlds to define and build technological products. You have Product Owners in your team for the key areas of IAM scope and Architecture to provide support. You will work with AXA Group Operations, Support functions, Group IT, Partners from Strategy, Business Relationship, Engineering, Services and Operations, Innovation, Finance… The position owner is action oriented and can break down complex problems into steps that drive product development at speed.
Our products are engineered for security, reliability and scalability, running the full stack from infrastructure to applications. Teams are dedicated to helping our AXA entities — developers, small and large businesses and AXA partners.
• Develop the IAM strategy and roadmap with the Product Owners • Execute the products validation, monitor business value creation & product roadmap adoption, • Drive consistency of architecture, cost and sourcing strategy and coordinate Customer Relationship and UX • Define the product value proposition • Manage the advisory, selection, design, secure build & integration for the products in scope • Accountable for the entire product line lifecycle, from planning through development, launch, and retirement phases. • Coaching in the creation and maintenance of product roadmaps and responsibility for communication and alignment of roadmaps at a senior level (C-Level, Executives). • Ensure product pricing strategy and profitability • Be the lead advocate for the entire suite of IAM Products and capabilities to provide business solutions throughout AXA • Facilitate when needed collaboration with AXA IT Services and Operations organizations in 16 countries

Managing a budget close to 15M€

Managing a distributed team across Europe ans Asia (~20 persons+ External Providers)

Country using IAM products are more than 20

Direct and indirect interaction with Senior Executives of the AXA Group (C-Level)

Willing to travel 5-10%



More than 15 years of experience on IT management ( the full product cycle from initial planning and design to on-going operation and improvement, exposure to Agile environment)

Understanding of Application and Infrastructure SDLC

Proven Managerial experience

Experienced working with and analyzing digital ad and/or media consumption data

Strong written and verbal communication skills and a desire to create an open and collaborative team culture

Fluent in English and French, any additional language would be a plus

Understanding and knowledge of Identity and Access Management area would be a plus but not mandatory

A propos d'AXA Aimeriez-vous vous lever chaque jour motivé(e) par une mission inspirante et travailler en équipe pour permettre de protéger les personnes et leurs proches? Chez AXA nous avons l’ambition de mener la transformation de notre métier. Nous cherchons des personnes talentueuses ayant une expérience diversifiée, qui pensent différemment, et qui veulent faire partie de cette transformation passionnante en challengeant le statu quo et faire d’AXA – marque globale leader et une des sociétés les plus innovantes dans notre secteur – une entreprise encore plus performante et responsable. Dans un monde en perpétuelle évolution et avec une présence dans 64 pays, nos 166 000 salariés et distributeurs privilégiés anticipent le changement pour offrir des services et solutions adaptés aux besoins actuels et futurs de nos 103 millions de clients.
As a member of the Business & Data Products organisation the IAM Product Manager bridges the technical and business worlds to define and build technological products. He or She has Product Owners in his/her team for the key areas of IAM scope and Architecture is providing support. Each Product Owner team has most of the capabilities needed across the technology stack to Design, Build, Support its products and features. Operations are usually delegated to IT Operations and Go to Market is done in collaboration with Head of Market and Country teams.
He or she works with AXA Group Operations, Support functions, Group IT, Partners from Strategy, Business Relationship, Engineering, Services and Operations, Innovation, Finance…
The positition owner is action oriented and can break down complex problems into steps that drive product development at speed. He or she is comfortable with new ways of working, Agile, Product Ownership in order to drive the transformation of the delivery model of the teams across the whole lifecycle. He or she will be driving requirements, user experience (UX) and delivery for the next generation of product/platform of IAM with his/her 2 product owners and support from Architecture.
Our products are engineered for security, reliability and scalability, running the full stack from infrastructure to applications. Teams are dedicated to helping our AXA entities — developers, small and large businesses and AXA partners.
Pourquoi nous rejoindre ? Chez AXA, nous menons une politique RH engagée qui favorise la diversité, préserve l’équilibre vie privée-vie professionnelle et accélère le développement des compétences et des carrières : promotion de la mixité, politique de rémunération, dispositif de formation,…

Quel que soit votre métier, nous veillons à vous offrir des perspectives d’évolution et des opportunités de carrières. Notre objectif est de développer vos talents et vos compétences pour accompagner les transformations de notre entreprise en pleine mutation.

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