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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Bandai Namco

Position Duties

As a Product Manager within our IP Creation Team, you will define & carry out the Marketing Strategy for a portfolio of products across worldwide territories to expand brand awareness, while maximizing revenue and contributive margin.

You will work on a holistic approach of the product/brand, physical and digital, video game as well as any relevant entertainment extensions.

Your main responsibilities include :
Defining and carrying out the brand's marketing strategy across worldwide territories, ensuring that it is pertinent to all local and regional offices
Teaming up with an IPC producer & our marketing support teams to shape the game's development process according to marketability's best practice.
Ensuring an optimal project coordination & brand awareness by working effectively with our internal experts & external stakeholders.
Taking responsibility for support & promotion aspects such as :
Managing the marketing budget for each title ; follow up sales in volume/value, revenue and margin,
Developing creative assets in cooperation with the developers and creative agencies, including key art, icons, banners, trailers, media advertising, screenshots, renders, social media assets, website, ...
Optimizing digital revenues using all available means, including promotional synergies with physical products, cross-platform partnerships,
Maintaining a high level of working knowledge on the entire videogame market, its emerging marketing trends & opportunities and global entertainment market

Candidate Profile

At least 3 years of experience in the entertainment industry (video games, cinema, toys, etc.) as part of an international marketing team
Ability to work with individuals from different geographies
Strong organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines
Ability to work autonomously with little supervision
Effective team player with excellent interpersonal skills
Responsiveness & proactivity
Fluency in English, French is a plus
Willingness to travel
Passionate about video games


CV in English
To: Responsable du recrutement

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Product Manager
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