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Senior Product Manager – BCG Digital Ventures

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager – BCG Digital Ventures chez BCG Digital Ventures

We’re BCG Digital Ventures. Welcome.

We are an ever-growing global team of the world’s most remarkable entrepreneurs, designers, engineers, venture architects, product experts and investors. Our ventures create a strategic advantage for the most important global companies.

Introducing BCGDV Paris

We’ve had a super busy start to the year and are now launching BCGDV in Paris. We are building a new team and looking for brilliant and diverse talent to join us on our new adventure building cool products, experiences and businesses.

We have entered a decade of disruption of large corporate business models, driven by a step change in the power of technology and the audacity and speed of start-ups. To be fit for the future, visionary companies will deliberately re-imagine themselves by injecting or attacking established models with new ideas fuelled by technology.

Introducing our Venture Build Team.

Our Venture Build Team consists of world-class business leaders, product designers, engineers and technology experts. Together, we are helping corporations own the next horizon of innovation.

Product Management Overview

Product managers bear overall responsibility for product success, starting with creation of a compelling vision and culminating with delivery of a disruptive product to market. Also known as the product owner, the product manager leads a multidisciplinary team through lean, agile-based incubation and commercialisation process e.g.,Build, Learn, Adapt.

Product Managers must possess a broad base of skills and knowledge spanning digital technology, strategy and business planning, user experience design, engineering and agile/lean development practices. They possess an entrepreneurial drive to develop new products, while managing client needs and time frames to broker complex relationships that evolve into real solutions. The ultimate success of a product manager hinges on their ability to lead their peers while influencing decision makers.

As a Senior Product Manager, you will:

Act as the voice of the customer in the definition of innovative digital solutions Work with strategic design to gain an understanding of user personas, pain points and journeys Provide insights into product, technology and market trends Develop feature lists, user stories, and roadmaps Gather and manage product feedback through surveys, concept testing, analytics tools, and A/B testing Be a champion of the MVP concept, distilling the product down to what is desirable, viable and feasible Monitor and report on product KPIs Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams to scope, design, concept test and deliver innovative solutions Assist with the development of business cases and operating plans Develop materials to communicate progress to partners and clients Assist in the development of new business proposals

As a Senior Product Manager, you will need:

A bachelor’s degree from an accredited educational institution in a technical discipline (computer science, electrical engineering) An MBA or other advanced degree (preferred) Several years’ experience as a Product Manager Strong understanding of mobile and web technologies and industries A demonstrated and focused desire to build products and services that customers will love Working knowledge of agile development methodologies Experience launching multiple digital products An ability to think strategically and creatively The ability to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information and thrive in a fast-paced, intellectually-demanding and service-oriented environment The capacity for self-motivation, independent initiative and creative problem-solving A diligent attention to detail and strong technical intuition The capacity for self-motivation, independent initiative and creative problem-solving A diligent attention to detail and strong technical intuition, as well as the ability to set and manage expectations at the executive level Excellent leadership skills with experience collaborating with cross-functional teams

Interested applicants may apply through the careers section of the website at Interviews will take place after resumes have been screened for minimum requirements. Please note that this position is not restricted solely to the responsibilities listed above and that the job scope and responsibilities are subject to change.

BCG Digital Ventures is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected under federal, state or local law.

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Senior Product Manager – BCG Digital Ventures
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