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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Bimeda

Job Identification 10711 Job Category Sales Locations 12 Chemin des Gorges, DARDILLY, 69570, FR Posting Date 11/20/2020, 07:44 AM Degree Level Doctorate Degree Job Schedule Full time

Job Description

Market study :

Ensure an economic, scientific and regulatory watch regarding market trends. Collaborate with veterinarians to establish future needs. Define the need or objective of the studies (markets, products, packaging, promotional tools) and the type of studies to be carried out (quantitative or qualitative) to optimize the actions Design and implement market research and marketing tests. Analyze and synthesize the information collected in order to identify the characteristics of a market in terms of opportunities / threats, strengths / weaknesses. Write specifications and study reports containing recommendations in terms of marketing actions and / or development axes

Marketing strategy :

Develop the marketing plan that will feed the Bimeda group sales forecasts Life cycle management when needed. Define the communication strategy that will accompany the product, in compliance with regulatory constraints relating to the veterinary health sector

Product launch :

Develop the product, make it evolve according to the offer of the competition and the evolutions of the market. Create all the packaging elements that will allow the product launch. Provide documents, tools and information materials in compliance with regulatory and legal constraints. Define and implement marketing action plans (press, public relations, internet direct marketing, professional events). Communicate with the sales force and sell the product internally before marketing. Continuously monitor sales in order to adjust the marketing strategy. Take part in international exchanges, Bimeda group

Bugdet management :

Control the budget and all the costs related to the marketing of the product in order to ensure its profitability. Optimize all costs in order to optimize profits. Prepare the budget and annual revised budgets

Postion based in Lyon (FRANCE) with occasional travel to Rennes and on a national level depending on events and operational needs.

Profil :

Doctor of veterinary medecine diploma required 2 to 3 years experience in a similar position with a strong marketing background Strong knowledge of pharmceutical regulations in regards to veterinary products Knowledge of nutritional and nutraceutical products is a plus Excellent written and verbal skills in French and in English

Please note that this job description is not exhaustive, and the role holder may be required to undertake other relevant duties commensurate with the grading of the post. Activities may be subject to amendment over time as the role develops and/or priorities and requirements evolve.

Cpf final 4

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