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Internship Digital Project Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Internship Digital Project Manager chez Biogen

Job Description

At Biogen, we develop, market and manufacture therapies for people living with serious neurological, autoimmune and rare diseases. We develop medicines for debilitating medical conditions with the goal of making a meaningful difference in patients’ lives.

We have the leading portfolio of medicines to treat multiple sclerosis (MS), has the first and only approved treatment for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and are at the forefront of research into new medicines for neurological and neurodegenerative conditions.

We’re looking for a junior project manager to join our team as a full-time intern for 6 months. You are passionate about online marketing and managing on an international environment with a great communication and analytical skills. You are curious, and always looking for innovative solution. You love challenging projects. Welcome aboard!


You’ll become a member of our Market Operations team. We love original and structured approaches, interesting ideas and we always encourage you to share your vision. You will support us on multiple global projects.

Marketing and Operations

o Assist the market manager on the operation conception for media campaigns

o Support the communication online and offline among affiliate stakeholders

o Coordinate vendors and follow up on marketing assets production internal and external production

Project Management

o Support all countries over their deployment and launch phase of new BHS products and international expansion

o Define and implement international best practices

o Implement new workflow approaches for multiple countries with product, content and marketing teams

o Support on cross functional communication and task management in BHS

Master Student on Marketing or International management from école de commerce with Bac+4/5 – preferable on last year internshipAutonomous, rigorous, organized, polyvalent, dynamic and willing to work on a fast pace and changing environment


Great communication and marketing skills Familiar with basic Excel, Word and PowerPoint Fluent in English – advanced written and spoken skills is a must

Plus +

Familiar with social media and google Ads setting Advanced knowledge of excel Other spoken languages
Cpf final 4

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Internship Digital Project Manager
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