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Contenu de l'offre Global Product Manager Analytics chez bioMérieux

Global Product Manager Analytics

Without DATA, diagnostic is blind! DATA and IT products are more and more important in diagnostic. The full potential initiative launched by bioMérieux last year, has put DATA and IT at the heart of bioMérieux’s strategy with a strong plan of staffing / training/ animating a network of champions at global and regional levels.

In light of today’s digital transformation, and because our customers are more and more asking about IT and DATA insights but also are concerned by cyber security and data privacy, bioMérieux looks at reinforcing the Global Marketing team with a position of Product Manager.  

Reporting directly to the Vice President Global Marketing Microbiology IT solutions, your role will be to manage and develop our new analytics offer CLARION 2.0 and accelerate the development of new modules. This analytics offer values our product range offering outside the laboratory (Clinician, infection control department, pharmacists, AMS team...) and helps hospitals to fight against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and put in place and monitor Antimicrobial Stewardship program (AMS).

What will be your mission?

Capture and prioritize Customer needs and the Voice of Customer, in close link with regions and local subs, on the CLARION analytics modules for “out of the lab” users, and share these insights with internal stakeholders

Consolidate needs and translate them into new product requirements, following our internal processes

Link new features/modules with the Global Marketing strategy and propose KPIs to monitor the offer’s success

Build the roadmap and animate workshops with your R&D partners

Develop demonstration tools and train internal stakeholders to use them

Participate to  “Go To Market” activities and to the local execution of Life Cycle Management decisions

Animate a network of Marketing referent champions worldwide

Communicate and promote cyber-security/data privacy roadmap for all bioMérieux platforms

 Who are you?

Post-graduate degree in Science and in Business/Marketing

5 to 8 years’ experience in Marketing and/or Sales position

Good knowledge of hospital workflow and KPIs followed by C-suite

Good knowledge of data privacy regulations (HIPAA, GDPR…), cyber-security and data security programs

Good communication skills, take initiatives and demonstrate “Dare and Try” attitude

Able to handle priorities and deliver commitments on time (result and progress oriented)

Curious, motivated with strong team spirit and strong customer orientation

Fluent in English

Cpf final 4

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Global Product Manager Analytics
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