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Contenu de l'offre Sr. Product Manager - Natasha chez

Sr. Product Manager - Natasha


About us

Innovation is fuelled by the power of possibilities. A few years ago, it was virtually impossible to innovate because building software needed a degree, it was simply too expensive, too complex, too risky and ultimately too inefficient. That’s why only 16% of projects were ever done on budget and 78% failed.

We're changing that. We’re flipping software development on its head and kicking out the notion that you need to be an expert or do boot camps to learn how to make your app.’s platform lets you order the perfect software app for whatever problem you’re trying to solve. Our AI powered assembly line brings together Lego-like reusable features and experts from around the world to bring world-class ideas to life – ANYONE’s world-class ideas.

Building software needs to be like ordering pizza – pick what you want, get recommendations for the features you need and simply wait till it's cooked and ready for you.

Our human-assisted AI platform helps anyone build, run & scale tailor-made software. Everyone from the bakery in Riyadh and nursery in London, to large fortune 100 companies like the BBC or Pepsi.

Life at Builder

It’s a place where everything moves at lightning pace and most definitely not for the faint hearted. We celebrate diversity, push everyone to do more with less and yet provide a culture that allows everyone to experiment, push boundaries and learn by doing. Every Builder runs to our core value system of HEARTT (Heart, Entrepreneurship, Accountability, Respect, Trust & Transparency) and we’re always looking for team players, with a point of view, a sense of humility and a let’s-get-stuff-done attitude.

Our scale up is at the intersection of a quirky startup where designers and machine learning specialists work on problems together to savvy commercial teams working with finance folks to invent new business models. #WhatWouldYouBuild


Need to hire a Product owner for Natasha on Cx and Dx. This individual will be responsible in creating all use cases that Natasha should handle both from customer and delivery perspective, work with customer delivery to create themes/ topics of discussion, work with ISG in creating a conversational structure for Natasha, create design flow and finally get it executed from development team.

Why We Need This Role?

We are looking for extremely entrepreneurial Product Managers to help innovate and execute product initiatives across the company.


Exposure in working with multi-disciplinary teams.

Lead the ideation, technical development, and launch of innovative products

Establish shared vision across the company by building consensus on priorities leading to product execution

Exposure to work with ML/AI team and understand how chatbots are created.

Understand the design behavior of chatbots.

Own and learn with development teams.

Integrate usability studies, research, and market analysis into product requirements to enhance user satisfaction

6 years+ Product Management experience in AI/ML-based B2B/B2C products

Deep expertise in two or more areas: chatbots, conversational interfaces, NLP, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics.

Good problem solving and organization skills

Excellent oral and written communication skills

Past developer background is a plus

Skills Needed:

Product Management, PM Tools, Chatbots, Conversational interfaces, Product design, Data analytics, SQL.


Health and Wellness benefits including competitive medical for self, spouse and children.

Performance-based bonuses.

Generous vacation and time off benefits including paid holidays.

Generally flexible working hours.

A collaborative culture where unconventional thinkers come together to solve interesting problems and having fun while doing it.

Mission-driven company that is making the world a better place.

Job Summary

ID: 2629410E57

Department: Product

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Sr. Product Manager - Natasha
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