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Software and System Test Engineer

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Contenu de l'offre Software and System Test Engineer chez Cardiawave

The company

Innovation prize winner of many contests, Cardiawave is a clinical-stage company which develops an innovative non-invasive image-guided medical device (MD) to treat aortic valve stenosis with ultrasound technology. Aortic stenosis is a life-threatening disease which is a major public health concern in Western countries (10 million people affected). The MD uses focused ultrasound therapy to soften aortic valve leaflets and improve valve opening. The company was created at the end of 2014 as a result of a long-term partnership between the Langevin Institute / Physics for Medicine Paris, a world leader in ultrasound imaging and therapy, and the Georges Pompidou European Hospital (HEGP), a leader in the field of valve disease and cardiac ultrasound imaging. Cardiawave currently has 26 employees.

The role

Cardiawave is looking for one passionate and rigorous “Software And System Test Engineer” to join its Verification and Validation team (4 people) in an Agile environment. The new collaborator will ensure testing and validation of the Valvosoft device developed by Cardiawave through the development of specific tools, software testing set up and implementation and system tests. The collaborator responsibilities are:

- To design and develop unit and integration tests according to strong engineering principles (e.g., modularity, scalability, maintainability) through a methodical problem-solving approach in a complex system environment.

- To develop and deploy automatic software tests (frontend and backend) for the company’s software applications.

- To collaborate with the software engineers to define and implement mocking mechanisms to perform testing as early as possible into the software development process.

- To collaborate with the software engineers to improve software design for testability.

- To participate in the review and production of software testing specifications and any related technical documentation.

- To set up and maintain test environments and CI/CD pipelines.

- To participate in the system testing of the Medical Device.

The skills

- Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree (Bac+5).

- At least 2 years in software testing in the medical device industry or a highly regulated domain.

- Experience in testing GUI-based applications with Squish.

- Experience in embedded systems testing will be a plus.

- Knowledge of programming language C, C++, python or Matlab and testing automation tools

- Knowledge of communication protocols (e.g. TCP/IP) and serial communication.

- Development tools: Visual Studio, Eclipse, CMake, Git.

- Test tools: Googletest/Mock, Squish, Cantata, Oscilloscope use.

- Fluent English (written/spoken).

- Teamwork skills, yet autonomous; adaptable and versatile; problem-solver; interested in multidisciplinary projects.

Statut : Cadre

Date de début prévue : 14/06/2021

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI

Salaire : 36 000,00€ à 40 000,00€ par an

Avantages :

Participation au TransportTitre-restaurantTravail à Distance

Horaires :

Du Lundi au Vendredi

Rémunération supplémentaire :

Prime annuelle

Mesures COVID-19:
Protocole Sanitaire Entreprise mis en place: port du masque obligatoire, lavage des mains, mise à disposition de gel hydroalcoolique, mise en place d'un planning de présence avec une jauge à ne pas dépasser.


Test logiciel: 2 ans (Exigé)


Temporairement en raison du COVID-19
Cpf final 4

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Software and System Test Engineer
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