Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

CDD - Digital Project Manager F - M H/F

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Contenu de l'offre CDD - Digital Project Manager F - M H/F chez Cartier

Cartier recherche …
Cartier International seeks a :

Digital Project Manager (F/M)

Short Term Contract

Start date : March 2023

Location : Paris 8th arrondissement


Within the Digital Team (Communication Department), you will have a key role in the coordination of social and website' actions and definition of the digital strategy with your manager such as :
- Creation of digital 360 briefs for cartier organic touchpoints.
- Internal coordination with HQ creative departments, press, talents & entertainment, etc.
- Coordination of our external publishing agency (briefing & planning).
- Social media benchmarks of competitors 360 digital activation.
- Identify new social features to leverage.


Coming from a background in Communications, Marketing or Business, you have around 3/4 years of experience in Digital in an agency or in-house communication team.

You are considered as an expert within the field and are used to working in an international environment. Curious, you have a strong appreciation for social innovation and understand the luxury industry.

Autonomous and organized, you are able to prioritize projects and adapt easily to a fast-paced environment. Additionally, you are known for your professional rigor. Mastering JIRA and is a plus.

Organized, detail-oriented, deadline-conscious with a proactive attitude, you have strong relationship-building skills.

You have a high level of executional skills and a meticulous attention to detail, both aesthetically and organizationally.

You are fluent in English and in French. Any other language is a plus.
Cpf final 4

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CDD - Digital Project Manager F - M H/F
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