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Software Development Engineer In Test F - M H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Software Development Engineer In Test F - M H/F chez Celad

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Description du poste
We are looking for an Software Development Engineer in Test F/M. In this position, you will immerse yourself in our client's end-to-end solutions for video/TV processing and delivery.

You will BE learning about distributed systems, SaaS Applications, feature rich devices, video, audio & data services, MPEG, DVB, TCP/IP, broadcast and mobile streaming, and related standards and specifications.

We are seeking a person to automate test plans and write new test procedures for TV broadcast head-end systems. You will BE responsible for developing, applying and maintaining quality standards for our client's products, including :
- Develop and execute software test plans.
- Analyze and write test standards and procedures.
- Write test scripts and test tools.
- Automate existing and new test cases.
- Organize and run automated test campaigns.
- Analyze test results to ensure existing functionality and recommend corrective action.
- Implement your ideas for evaluation methods in the design, development and debugging of software programs.

Collaboration with development engineers, test engineers and customer support in resolution of problems.

Pré-requis, qualification et responsabilités
Job skills :
- Experience with test automation development and execution cycles, agile experience.
- Highly motivated to improve our automated testing coverage and framework.
- Self-driven with strong work ethics. Able to embrace challenging assignments and develop new approaches with minimal supervision.
- Excellent written and communication skills. English language is required.
- (Optional) Hands-on experience with broadcast video delivery head-ends - satellite, cable, IPTV, and mobile.
- (Optional) knowledge of MPEG, DVB, TCP/IP standards and protocols.
- (Optional) Experience with broadcast industry standard performance and compliance tools.

Years of Direct Experience :
- 3 years of formal software testing, manual and automated.
- 3 years of scripting and programming experience (using NodeJs), tests automation experience is a plus.
- One of the following (optional) :.
- - Broadcast video systems - MPEG transports, Cable, satellite and IPTV.
- Mobile Video systems - Encoding and distribution of video in OTT systems.
- Network - Video distribution over IP networks.

Educational Requirements :
- BS in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field.
- JavaScript (NodeJS), Python, C & C++ programming, Java.
Cpf final 4

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Software Development Engineer In Test F - M H/F
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