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Contenu de l'offre Junior Product Manager M/F chez coty

Marketing Product Manager - CDD - 6 MONTHS


Our purpose is to celebrate and liberate the diversity of beauty. We challenge convention through invention, expanding our horizons to enrich your reality with possibility. We build brands to inspire and enable our consumers to experience the confidence and joy of expressing their beauty, their way.


Propose and execute the international marketing strategy for the fragrances.

Analyse the positioning of the products for each market and establish propositions for new products.

Analyse and develop the product mix : bottle, packaging for new products and improve the existing packaging.

Define the useful support elements to achieve successful new product launch, in connexion with the markets and the Trade Marketing, according to the timing and the quality.

For the launch of new products, participate and follow up the realization of the project in the right timing :

Prepare the mock ups Ensure coordination with the agencies, the suppliers, artwork for the development of the product mix, the packaging and the shoots, the R&D Prepare the point of sales materials. Define the price of the product and cost of production (ICP) Propose promotional programs for the existing products :
identify the needs with the Trade Marketing. Define the promotional plan (except for the brands that have a Promotion Manager). Brief and coordinate the different suppliers (promotion agencies, artwork, collateral…) Prepare the Marketing book. Follow up the advertising plan :
Relations with the agencies Prepare the briefs and follow up on the campaigns Follow up key figures :
Market shares, turnover Propose and follow up on the budget. Ensure the cost tracking and the profitability of the lines under responsibility. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: (Academic, Professional, Relevant Job Knowledge)

4-year Undergraduate Degree in Marketing or Related Field
3 to 5 years of Marketing and/or related experience
Global Fragrance Marketing experience preferred / Skincare experience on top of fragrance experience a plus

Strategic- Planning, administration, facilitation, creativity, problem analysis, decision making
Business- Work-flow structuring, monitoring, product knowledge, account administration, automated office systems, multi-tasking, analytical, quantitative, organizational, detail-oriented, time management
Creativity and Innovation- Creativity, Business savvy, originality, intuition
Leadership and Personal- Motivating others, development of employees, communication, objectivity, integrity, dependability, initiative, flexibility, sensitivity, impact, tenacity, autonomy, collaboration
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Junior Product Manager M/F
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