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Product Manager - API & Tools - Retail Media

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager - API & Tools - Retail Media chez Criteo

Who we are At Criteo, our culture is as unique as it is diverse. With offices around the world, our incredible team of 2,600 Criteos collaborates to create an open & inclusive environment. We work together to achieve our goals, push boundaries, and be impactful. All of this supports us in our mission to power the world’s marketers with trusted & impactful advertising.
What you'll do

As a member of our Product Team, you will work on our Retail media platform and actively contribute to achieving product-market fit.
You will join a diverse team of product managers and partner with world-class engineering teams to deliver our ambition of providing a unique, retailer-centric media platform. Your mission will be to identify clients’ needs as well as gasps in our existing assets and lead all the process from ideation to product launch, to address those needs.
You will in particular make sure our platform can interface with the Retail Media ecosystem through API, unlocking new business use cases, and providing our internal teams with the API and tools they need to quickly scale the business.
You will need to work on all steps leading to a successful product:Understanding our clients’ business and strategical needsIdentifying underserved areas where we can create value with our expertiseBuilding solutions that work for retailers, technology and business partners, no matter size, tech and business constraintsUsing data to challenge conventional wisdom, internally and externallyFinding simple and elegant answers to complex needsYou will need to work with our teams working on shared components, from web technologies to machine-learning.
Who you areExperience in designing and using APIsExperience with digital advertising technologies (ad servers, campaign management tools…)The technical depth to explain interaction between different ad ecosystem partners to engineersAnalytical acumen to back roadmap proposals with data-driven researchAbility to influence other teams’ roadmap to achieve common goals #LI-CN2
At Criteo, we are committed to creating an environment where all Criteos feel a sense of belonging. We nourish our diversity by listening to all cultures within Criteo - and there are many. We are proud to be a global team and conscious that it takes people with different perspectives, thoughts and cultures to succeed.
Criteo collects your personal data for the purposes of managing Criteo's recruitment related activities. Consequently, Criteo may use your personal data in relation to the evaluation and selection of applicants. Your information will be accessible to the different Criteo entities across the world. By clicking the "Apply" button you expressly give your consent.
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Product Manager - API & Tools - Retail Media
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