Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Senior Product Manager, Player (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager, Player (M/F) chez Dailymotion

Job Description

Dailymotion is looking for a Senior Product Manager to join their video player team based in Sophia Antipolis, South of France.

As a Senior Product Manager you will help create and drive the product strategy, vision, and features roadmap of the Dailymotion flagship product: the video player.


Work closely with our VP Product to provide product vision and direction to the agile development team. Deeply understand, document, analyze, and synthesize user needs into product priorities, roadmap plans and detailed product specifications. Drive strategic topics from product research to execution. Work closely with engineering teams and project management to deliver features to production. Track product performance, extract new learnings and prioritize relevant changes. Follow the tech, design, native apps and mobile web ecosystems to be aware of all new trends that can impact our product.

You have 5+ years' experience in product management in a technology company developing web or mobile products. You have a technical background (computer science, software engineering, information systems). You are personally passionate about Product and Design. You have a sense of what makes a great user experience. You value design and attention to details. You have deep knowledge about the web. You have deep knowledge about desktop and mobile environments and their limitations. You are capable of working with a team and building consensus, without formal authority. You have a strong collaboration, communication and presentation skills. You show enthusiasm. You are fluent in English (oral and written).


Experience with online video technologies
Additional Information

Unique opportunity to join a small dedicated team in a fantastic location in the French Riviera with great weather conditions and quality of life. Location: Sophia Antipolis Start Date: As soon as possible Contract Type: Full-time
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Senior Product Manager, Player (M/F)
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