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IT & DATA - Digital Project Manager - Rueil-Malmaison

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Contenu de l'offre IT & DATA - Digital Project Manager - Rueil-Malmaison chez Danone

IT & DATA - Digital Project Manager - Rueil-Malmaison

Danone is looking for a Senior Digital Product Manager to join the Danone central IT & Data team. In this role you will identify internal customer needs and business objectives, articulate what success looks like for a digital product, and rally a team to turn that vision into a reality.

In direct contact with Danone's business stakeholders worldwide, you will gather requirements from all countries and business units, define a delivery roadmap with the Danone engineering team and key partners, and drive the execution of that roadmap, leveraging Danone's core platforms.

Your responsibilities will include:

• Build strong relationships with local business and IT worldwide, and become a trusted advisor

• Help local team identify and formalize their requirements for Danone's Digital platforms

• Help build a comprehensive catalog of use cases and services that can be presented to our business teams worldwide, and communicate on it

• Help engineering shape and deliver the strategic roadmap of our digital platforms

• Drive our product and services strategy, including positioning and pricing

• Work with our software and integration partners to drive execution of the roadmap

• Define and measure KPIs for strategic digital initiatives

You are technically savvy, with great curiosity for all things digital, and previous experience in large international organizations. Your experience in a fast-paced environment, excellent stakeholder engagement, highly collaborative working style, excellent people management skills, and efficient verbal and written communications, will be advantageous in this role. You enjoy taking ownership & responsibility and know how to act with speed, agility & pragmatism.

Ideally you will have:

• A good understanding of how a digital platform is designed and built

• Excellent written and verbal communication skills, in French and English

• Excellent teamwork skills and a problem-solving mindset

• Basic knowledge of modern Web architectures

• Experience in deployment of multi-countries, multi-brands digital platforms

• Basic knowledge of frontend development (HTML/CSS/JS), including frameworks like React, Angular, Vue...

• Experience of the agile project methodology, working with tools like JIRA/Confluence

• Prior experience in eCommerce, PIM, CMS, DAM, CRM is a plus

• Knowledge of Adobe Experience Cloud, Salesforce, Gigya and CommerceTools is advantageous

With us, you'll work in an exciting, complex and challenging environment. This is how you will create new opportunities!

You will work with world-renowned brands such as Blédina, Evian or Actimel. Be innovative, enterprising and the impact you will have will impress you.

Join our movement for a more sustainable world. One Planet One Health BY YOU.


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IT & DATA - Digital Project Manager - Rueil-Malmaison
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