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IT & Data Governance Product Manager - Rueil-Malmaison 92 - M - F H/F

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Contenu de l'offre IT & Data Governance Product Manager - Rueil-Malmaison 92 - M - F H/F chez Danone

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At Danone, we guarantee that you can simply BE yourself. We believe that IT's up to you to define the way you work, to develop yourself, to progress.
With us, you'll work in an exciting, complex and challenging environment. This is how you will create new opportunities !
You will work with world-renowned brands such as Blédina, Evian or Actimel. BE innovative, enterprising and the impact you will have will impress you.
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Our IT Data Governance team is part of the Data & Analytics platform in the global IT & Data organization at Danone, with a purpose to inspire & empower Danone through the world of tech and data.

The Data & Analytics (D&A) team of the Groupe DANONE is looking for an IT Data Governance Product Manager.

IT Data & Analytics team has the mission to deliver-leading edge, business-focused data powered products & services that will help strengthen Danone transformation & growth toward a data enabled company

This new position is based in Rueil-Malmaison and reports to the MDM & Data Excellence Platform owner.

The job will have a strong global dimension and as a Product Manager you will have a key role in managing Data Excellence IT products across a worldwide network of IT & Data professionals, in close collaboration with the Data Office Excellence structure. A primary goal will BE to introduce and deploy a new set of technologies in the Data Excellence space.


You will have a key global role in managing Data Excellence IT products across a worldwide network of IT & Data professionals as well as close collaboration with the Data Office Excellence structure. A primary goal will BE to introduce and deploy a new set of technologies in the Data Excellence space.

You will work in a dynamic and exiting international, multi-cultural environment, introducing both new disciplines and tools in the Data management area as Danone continues to build and expand its data platforms.

In this position you will BE responsible for
- Developing a new vision and global agenda for Data Excellence IT products and the Data Harmonization roadmap as part of the Data & analytics platform strategy.
- Technical ownership of Data Excellence IT products notably the Data Catalog, Data Marketplace, and Data Quality.
- Working with Data owners on the classification of data Assets and Data Certification and SSOT processes using the associated IT technologies and tools.
- Defining the service catalog and operating and cross charging models, assuring control of the budget and costs of data products, including spend on vendors and services.
- Working with project teams on the definition and delivery of MVPs (minimum viable product) leveraging Agile methodologies in the product development phases.
- Managing IT Data Excellence product strategy throughout their lifecycle from definition to the implementation and support, from ideation to decommissioning.
- Maximizing ROI by identifying and prioritizing the product features by business value.
- Developing and managing business requirements, writing user stories, and communicating vision to developers and testers.
- Closely working with Product Owners to define product strategy, managing product backlogs, and reporting the performance of products and applications.

As part of these responsibilities, you will BE part of a larger global IT D&A community of Product teams, Data Scientist, Enterprise Architects & Technology teams as well as business stakeholders.

Data Excellence organization is undergoing a transformation with an opportunity to seize the initiative to define a new IT roadmap, to communicate and see IT through to realization

About you


- Bachelor's degree in the field of computer science, data and analytics, or business administration.

- A minimum of 7+ years of experience within a large, global, and matrixed organization is required.

- A minimum of 3 years of experience working with Data Catalogue, Data Marketplace and Data Quality IT products, ideally deploying systems into a production cloud-based environment.

- Technology knowledge includes Azure / AWS cloud architecture, Informatica, Databricks, Azure Devops, tech policy configuration and management, Data factory, etc.

- Excellent leadership, communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skills.

Preferred experience :

- Experience effectively collaborating and managing stakeholders and driving adoption to improve platform user base.

- Knowledge of data use cases in the areas of CPG business including, but not limited to, commercial data, finance, SAP, customer data, digital, etc.

- The ideal candidate will have a transformative and strategic mindset to help shape the organization towards a deeper data enabled business, supported by tech expertise with modern data technology.

- Experience with the data platform creation and delivery which includes understanding requirements, formulating design, and communicating deliverables using Devops and Agile engineering practices.

- Experience in Cloud technologies and good knowledge of current tech trends related to AI/ML as applied to data products.
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IT & Data Governance Product Manager - Rueil-Malmaison 92 - M - F H/F
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