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Contenu de l'offre EMEA Field Product Manager chez Dataiku

Paris (75) Dataiku’s mission is big: to enable all people throughout companies around the world to use data by removing friction surrounding data access, cleaning, modeling, deployment, and more. But it’s not just about technology and processes; at Dataiku, we also believe that people (including our people!) are a critical piece of the equation.
Dataiku is looking for a Field Product Manager to support the deployment of its Data Science Platform. The position is available in Paris (FR) or London (UK).
The role of the Field Product Manager involves a mixture of many skills, from running requirements meeting with customers, gathering and structuring the needs, understanding of the market and the positioning of our product, and communicating the high level picture of the roadmap. The Field Product Manager will have 5 or more years demonstrated experience with data related products (e.g. database, cloud services, analytical platform, etc.) and some experience in Enterprise Sales. Previous work experience as a Product Manager, Technical Product Manager, Sales Engineer, Customer Success Manager or Consultant, especially with implementing technical consulting engagements, solution design, and business process assessments, will help a successful candidate.
Dataiku is a young company with great momentum and at this early stage, the Field Product Manager will work cross-functionally with Sales, Product Management, Data Science, Engineering and Marketing. We’re looking for someone who can express passion about the new technologies and possibilities of Big Data and Advanced Analytics.


Understand the market and support the sales team Gather and structures product requirements coming from prioritized opportunities or customers in assigned region or assigned industry Proactively help the sales and customers support team regarding any product related questions Work closely with Technical Product Managers to communicate needs and sharpen product offerings based on feedback from customers, sales, and competitive offerings
Evangelize the Product Provide summaries of new developments to customers in the assigned region or industry Support large deals that require product manager input where highly competitive or unusual scenarios exist Handle objections and clarification statements on all issues relating to product roadmap working closely with the Customer Success Managers and Sales Engineers Act as nominated speaker for all roadmap related discussions Coordinate technical and user research meetings in close coordination with Technical Product Management (TPM) during feature ideation phases Maintain proper product explanation and provides timely and accurate communications to clients and all customer facing teams

Minimum qualifications

5 years of related customer facing experience in a technical context Proven ability to influence cross-functional teams without formal authority. Experience developing Professional products, technologies or services. MS, MBA or PhD in Computer Science, Data Science, Statistics or related technical field or equivalent. Strong experience with Data and Machine Learning and/or product management with a focus on software products and technologies.

Preferred qualifications:

Knowledge of multiple functional areas such as engineering, UI, sales, customer support, finance or marketing. Excellent problem-solving, organizational and analytical skills.
To fulfill its mission, Dataiku is growing fast (having just closed a $101 million Series C round in December 2018 and looking to double in 2019), but still maintains a startup spirit. Dataiku serves its global customer base from its headquarters in New York City as well as offices in Paris, London, Munich, Singapore, and Sydney. Each of our offices has a unique culture, but underpinning local nuances, we always value curiosity, collaboration, and can-do attitudes.
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