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Children's Textile Product Manager F/H 9 month fixed term contract

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Contenu de l'offre Children's Textile Product Manager F/H 9 month fixed term contract chez Disneyland Paris

Job Summary:

Within the Merchandise Product Integration division and under the responsibility of the Product Development Manager, you will define the product strategy and develop the ranges for the children's textile sector by maximizing the expenditure per visitor and ensuring compliance with Disney standards: Safety, Courtesy, Spectacle, Efficiency and Inclusion.


To monitor the external market in order to identify growth vectors and innovations for the sector and to define the product strategy in the short and medium term, In collaboration with the category planning manager, analyze the performance of the collections and define the product assortment according to the need for renewal and the validated strategies, Define the strategies of the sector and present them in commercial policies, Build and maintain the collection plan, Define and transmit to the art department the needs for the personalization of the products, Write the specifications by integrating the quality and security requirements, Lead the product development process in constant contact with suppliers in accordance with the specifications, Guarantee product conformity according to the standards in force and monitor the management of non-conformities, Encourage and maintain synergy with the various internal and external Disney entities in order to optimize the growth of the sector and the visitor experience, Participate in industry projects and contribute to initiatives deployed across the division.

Your profile:

Ideally a Business School graduate with a minimum of 2 years experience in product development. You have a first experience in textile development, ideally acquired in the baby / child sector.
Mastery of French (Level C1) and written and spoken English (Level B2).
Mastery of the Pack Office and ability to take control of new computer tools.

You are a rigorous and dynamic person.
You are able to work with a variety of people in a multicultural environment.
You are able to work on several projects simultaneously while respecting the timing.
You are able to demonstrate a pro-active attitude and be a force of proposal in the resolution of problems.


Disneyland Paris is committed to providing its Cast Members with working conditions that are most conducive to their professional development. In this context, and to ensure optimum flexibility, jobs that do not require intervention or access to on-site facilities or applications and/or physical interaction may be performed on a telecommuting basis, with a minimum required presence of five days per month on site.

Our destination is required to adhere to the conditions of the “Pass Sanitaire” which is currently mandatory for all our visitors. From the 30th of August It should also be required for some of our employees.

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Children's Textile Product Manager F/H 9 month fixed term contract
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