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Test Engineer, Autonomous vehicle

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Contenu de l'offre Test Engineer, Autonomous vehicle chez EasyMile

Test Engineer,Autonomous vehicle (Toulouse, France)

About EasyMile

Fast growing start-up headquartered in Toulouse with offices in Denver, Berlin, Melbourne and Singapore Founded in 2014 and privately owned, with Alstom & Continental as minority shareholders With over 120 highly-skilled and passionate employees specializing in robotics, computer vision and vehicle dynamics Supplies smart mobility solutions and autonomous technologies powering driverless vehicles with existing products such as: the EZ10, a 100% electric driverless shuttle deployed in 20 countries worldwide; the TractEasy, the first autonomous electric baggage tractor jointly developed with TLD; and many other projects to be unveiled soon Brand new offices in downtown Toulouse with a large choice of restaurants / cafés within walking distance Toulouse is the fourth largest City in France, home to Europe’s largest aerospace centre through the presence of Airbus, Thales, CNES, and number one in France for onboard electronics with Continental Within easy reach of the Pyrenees, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Coast, Toulouse is ideally located in the south west of France


Prototype experimentations

Take an active role during integration tests (partners premises, our Francazal test site) Sensors and vehicles configurations validation

Tests on partner’s site and Francazal Experiment site

Low level testing First vehicles ride tests Vehicle & Functionalities validation

Client test plan for debug

Deep involvement in test plan definition On site tests Collaboration with R&D team

Deployment of vehicles at client plant

Site assessment visit & reports On site vehicle and service setup & acceptance tests with client Training for end-users and client test operators

Support at customer plant

Test plan definition with client Customer support for testing and results analysis Remote & On site support and reports Problems diagnostics in collaboration with R&D team


Very good oral and written English. Ability to clearly and professionally interact with client/partner teams Ability to accurately and precisely report on site events and vehicle behaviors International travel can reach approximately 60% during deployment phases Experience in robotics or related fields Working knowledge or experience with safety standards for automotive, industrial automation systems would be a plus Details oriented, analytical mind, ability understand vehicle behaviors and accurately and clearly communicate them the R&D team Autonomy and proactiveness on client sites

If you are interested in the above position, please send your CV to
EasyMile is an equal opportunity employer.

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Test Engineer, Autonomous vehicle
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