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Digital Project Manager Internship - H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Digital Project Manager Internship - H/F chez Engie Digital

You are passionate about Energy and Digital ? Welcome to ENGIE Digital !

ENGIE is a global energy player, resolutely committed to the energy transition and an expert in 3 activites : electricity, naural gaas and energy services. ENGIE has 155 000 employees in more than 70 countries with a turnover of 65 billion euros in 2017.

ENGIE Digital has been created in 2016 to accelerate the Group transformation.

Our challenge ? Design, develop and support digital products & services in order to create value and contribute to the digital transformation of the Business Units of the Group.

Our ambition ? Becoming the Digital Leader in the Energy Industry.

To do so, we are looking for a new talent, to grow and make us grow !

Digital Project Manager Internship/Apprenticeship - H/F

Smart O&M's mission is to create and deploy cutting-edge solutions within the Group in order to improve operational efficiency and make our energy service offerings more attractive for B2B customers.

Smart O&M's offer consists of a digital platform which brings together the most relevant technologies in features designed to bring value to operational teams in their day-to-day business.

IoT & Supervision : Remote supervision and control of installations (Facility management, infrastructure management...) Monitoring & Alerting : Performance management of installations and alert management (state of the installation, monitoring of comfort, moniroting of energy consumption, etc) Ticketing : Service request and work orders management Reporting : Automated production of reports and usiness dashboards IA & Deep learning : Implementation of predictive maintenance algorithms on digital twins

With this platform, ENGIE aims to support the transformation of its activities by optimazing its internal processus and operations as well as customer satisfaction.

The Group is building a reliable and scalable solution to become the leader for supporting major global private and public players in their zero-carbon transition.

Internship objectives

Formalize the business value drivers brought by the Smart O&M platform to its internal customer (including ENGIE Netherlands, ENGIE Canada, ENGIE Middle East, ENGIE Solutions France,...) considering both economic and environmental performance.

Main activities

In connection with the platform and customer relations managers, the main activites of the digital project manager will be :

Inventory of economic value drivers broughts by the platform to client entities Analysis of the gains created by the features of the solution in terms of carbon emissions Assessment of the carbon cost of the platform Production of marketing material Contribution to the development projects of the platform within the client teams (from pre-sales to change management...) Documentation elaboration (use guide, operating processus, meeting presentations, communication material, functional and technical presentations,etc) Planning of the internal events/client and internal workshops Support for project management (actions follow up, agendas management...)



You are preparing a Master's degree and you are looking for an apprenticeship or 6 months internship or gap year, business or engineering school .

Expected skills

General skills Excellent level of English Details-oriented and listening skills Analytical skills Writing skills (PPT, Word,...) Know-how in commercial relationship management Functional skills Digital services in SaaS Production & analysis of economic and environmental performance indicators CRM and management of commercial projects Sectorial skills Group businesses Energy & Utility services Network infrastructure mangement


: Digital and IT

Primary Location

: Europe-France-Île-de-France-Paris


: ENGIE Digital


: Full-time

Job Posting

: May 3, 2021, 4:19:21 AM

Job Type

: Internship
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Digital Project Manager Internship - H/F
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