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Contenu de l'offre Product Marketing Manager chez ESI Group

Product Marketing Manager


The ideal candidate will be responsible for developing products' positioning, narratives, messaging and competitive differentiationHe will lead the work to enure sales enablement and efficient GoToMarket approach.

Responsibilities :

Equip sales and customer experience teams with repeatable strategy (how to sell) and contribute to the customer value engagement. Conduct interviews internally and externally to collect feedback and improve GoToMarket.
Develop a deep understanding of ESI software business, it’s customers and markets served.
Track market trends and keeps up to date on messaging from competitors in collaboration with product managers.
Contribute to sales enablement and demonstrator’s creation focusing on showing credibility and demonstrate customer value.
Ensure efficient access to these resources and dissemination globally.
Execute the Product launch plan in collaboration with Business Line and Product Managers.
Collaborative work inside Solutions marketing team and Partner with Business line manager.
Interact with: sales & sales Partner, customer experience and operational marketing teams.



Senior, > 10 years
At least 2-8 years of experience in product marketing, strategy or product management required in automotive industry. Knowledge of the competition and the market
An experience within the CAE Simulation domain would be a plus.
Excellent English communication skills. Writing & Speaking English
Master the Marketing skill-sets and support to be applied to our industries
Strong ability to work together with others. Ability to work within a cross/ matrix team
Performance and result oriented. Ability to take decisions & initiatives
Technical/engineering background to understand the product capabilities and to iterate with Product managers and Customer experience team, ESI expert people.
Dare to think differently and ability to learn new things.


Cpf final 4

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Product Marketing Manager
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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