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Contenu de l'offre Test Engineer chez Everis

Test Engineer

Are you looking for the next step in your career? Join everis!

Everis ( is a dynamic, growing and ambitious consulting, IT and professional services firm. We employ worldwide more than 21.000 people and keep on growing, with a 20% annual growth on average. Everis is part of NTT Data, the 6th biggest IT Service Company in the world with more than 100.000 professionals and a turnover of more than 15 billion euros.

We are looking for a Test Engineer to join our team in Strasbourg. Our ideal candidate is someone with experience in Testing Services and technical background on testing hardware infrastructure components and its configurations. This Test Engineer will be responsible of design, run and build the reports supported by a test strategy and test process lead by a Test Manager.

Main responsibilities:

Test case definition for each change introduced in the infrastructure Test all aspects of the product/system as defined and agreed upon with the customer Ensure the coverage of the testing Build testing reports and provide feedback on testing results Verification of fixes in the infrastructure

Desired knowledge on:

ISTQB Certification JIRA for defect management QTest for test management Network management OS: Unix

We at everis make the difference by being close to our clients, exceeding expectations, managing proactively our projects and customers and focusing on quality and selecting employees with the right mindset to make our company grow. The Group has the ambitious goal to position within the TOP 3 worldwide.

We offer a career in a fast growing company with lots of professional development opportunities and an attractive salary package.

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