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Contenu de l'offre PRODUCT MANAGER (M/F) chez Fintecture


Your role

We are looking for a Product Manager to work on projects related to the operational side of payments. Your projects will mostly be about improving, optimizing and automating processes, payment flows, and integrating banking as a service features. You will be working with internal and third-party tools. You should be able to understand and explore API documentations. You will work closely with the compliance team, the operations team and the engineering team.


Dig into the problems that are worth solving for our customers and the business.Work with the development teams to shape ideas, narrow down problems and support the development process of our products.Manage the launch of features, their communication and their monitoring (performance, operation).Be responsible for internal communication and the proper integration of its product within the company's vision.Constantly create and optimize processes to streamline the product development.Shape the CEO’s long-term vision and product strategy in collaboration with the Product Managers.

We offer:

To be a key member of a fast growing and ambitious startup.Startup environment with work flexibility.Career development.Integration in a fast-growing company.Partial remote work possible.All the hardware required for work


Desired Profile

Demonstrated understanding of modern product discovery and delivery techniques and methods.High flexibility: you can easily switch from one product, market and need to another.Demonstrated ability to figure out solutions to hard problems and to present your argument in a written, well-structured, data-driven narrative.Empathetic with customers and able to combine qualitative and quantitative feedback to create and deliver a great product.Ability to interact with colleagues at all hierarchical and technical levels.Ability to produce the outstanding quality and reliability required for our solutions to perform sustainably in the most challenging environments.Native level in French, fluent in English.Experience in Payments is a plus.Experience with a Banking as a Service or core banking solution is a plus.Experience in Compliance is a plus.


Contract Type: Full-Time Start Date: 04 May 2021 Location: Paris, France (75013)
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