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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager, Secure Access chez Fortinet

Sophia Antipolis (06)

Product Manager, Secure Access
Sophia, France (EMEA)

Fortinet is currently looking for a talented individual to join our Product Management team to assist in the continued development of our Secure Access suite of products related Services product line. As a member of the Product Management team, you will be responsible for engaging with various departments, including but not limited to Product Marketing, Hardware and Software Engineering teams, System Engineering and other sales related functions, to capture and manage specific product requirements. This role will be focused on our full Secure Access solutions suite including Switches, AP’s, other elements from the Fortinet Product portfolio as directed.  This includes preparation of detailed guidelines and implementation specifications, competitive analysis, feature specifications, product evangelism, knowledge transfer activities, lab setup, and technical testing as well as assisting with product launch and analyst engagements.
This position will be responsible for promoting product functionality and solutions and driving product requirements while working closely with Fortinet Engineering and internal Product Management on precise deliverables. Â Â

The successful candidate will have a Product Management or System Engineering technical background with directly related experience and the ability to prioritize requirements based on strategic and customer revenue opportunities, as well as product roadmaps planning based on resources availability and time-to-market considerations.


To work closely with field teams to define and prioritize development activities to ensure product requirements are captured and execution matches expectations. To create regular reports to capture priorities from technical, commercial and support arenas to ensure effective allocation of resources and provide the necessary focus on current challenges. To assist with Product Roadmap and communicate as necessary, including both internal and external product evangelism. To Provide support to field teams in customer engagements including, but not limited to technology overview, product details, and technical expertise.Â


Strong technical and market familiarization with networking and security technologies in general with a specific focus on wireless. Hands on experience rather than theoretical discussion is strongly preferred. 5+ years of industry experience, preferably in the networking, or security sectors. Previous product management experience while desirable is not essential. The individual should be able to demonstrate an understanding the general product planning discipline, with previous cross collaboration teamwork experience in working with development engineering, field sales and directly with customers. Candidates should have solid organizational skills and be excited about working hard in a challenging, fast-paced environment. Must be a team player and have exceptional communication skills. This position may require travel to customer and non-customer sites in EMEA and around the world
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Product Manager, Secure Access
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