Offres d'emplois Conception & Gestion de Projet

Senior Product Manager (Live Games Growth)

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Manager (Live Games Growth) chez Gameloft

Paris (75) Job Description

The Senior Product Manager (Live Games Growth) oversees a portfolio of games with the objective to grow their bottom line and oversee their roadmaps and backlogs. Reporting to the VP of Products and VP of Monetization, he/she strives to maximize both the short and long term performance, by working with the teams on features, Live Ops, UA, making the best data-driven decisions, and sharing results globally.

Your main challenges will include

Collaborate with all game stakeholders (Product Managers, Designers, Producers, Marketing & UA) to define the strategy on the product portfolio Help shape the Live Operations, backlogs and the roadmaps for the different games to ensure targets are met Champion and communicate Live game strategies to Top Management Evangelize best in class features, systems & references, and share these across the company


5+ years of experience in Games, alternatively in Analytics, Online or Consulting Experience working with diverse teams, in particular remotely Worked on Live Games operated as a service Excellent analysis / communication skills; and full proficiency of Excel/PowerPoint Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Economics or a related field; Master is a plus Deep knowledge of top grossing games and F2P mechanics as a whole Complete fluency in English, both written and orally

Bonus Points

Managed teams of 5+ people Game design or game creation skills Fluent in French Basic knowledge of SQL is an asset


Passion for games on any platform, and mobile games in particular! Result-driven and at ease communicating results to stakeholders Highly organized and accustomed to work in an Agile methodology Team-player, able to negotiate and communicate effectively in a multidisciplinary team Combine creative thinking with clear data-driven decisions
Additional Information


You want to be part of an exceptional experience, within a company that is constantly growing! You want to work with talented people who are industry pioneers! You want to join a global company and meet great people around the world Or, just because you're looking for a fun place to work!

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Senior Product Manager (Live Games Growth)
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