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Assoc Director, Product Management

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Contenu de l'offre Assoc Director, Product Management chez Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Description du poste
We're looking for a candidate to fill this position in an exciting company.• Lead Promotion Review Committee process to ensure marketing materials are cleared for promotional use, and secure final production• Demonstrate excellence in project management and effectively manage multiple projects and priorities• Leverage primary and secondary market research and analytics critical to directing brand strategies and optimizing marketing tactics• Analyze complex problems and situations, provide logical recommendations and lead any required action planning• Develop various marketing materials across digital and traditional channels as well as relevant activities that support our commercial strategy, such as risk assessment activities for HIV patients• Set priorities in circumstances of continued complex and conflicting requirements• Take a lead role in representing the company at professional events and promote company products at such events• Ensure that all marketing activities are in compliance with regulatory and legal requirements.• Direct tactical plan development and implementation (e.g. own Brand Plan of Action process)• Assist in the Latest Estimate financial forecasting process• In close collaboration with the BUD HIV, develop the brand strategy and analyze market developments to continuously optimize tactics, activities and materials• Should have experience in the pharmaceutical industry, ideally in Specialty Care• Bachelor's degree in marketing or related fields required• Previous experience in marketing research and/or pharmaceutical sales is required• MBA or other advanced business degree is desired• Must show demonstrated excellence in project management and have the ability to effectively manage multiple projects/priorities• Experience in managing advanced multichannel activities (e.g. apps, webinars, websites, e-detailing) is highly desired• Demonstrated understanding of pharmaceutical regulatory requirements and impact on development of marketing materials is required• Must have recognized expertise in implementing a pharmaceutical communication plan, including generating publications, organizing continuing medical education activities and advocacy development• Must be very familiar with industry trends and remain current with competitor's resources and practices• Must have a successful record of developing external relationships leading to brand advocacy• Must have a track record of successful pharma/biotech patient/community marketing with an understanding of expense budget planning and tracking• Must possess excellent analytical skills, demonstrated by the ability to identify and understand complex issues and problems, and interpret information in a manner that provides appropriate recommendations to senior management and across functional areas• Must possess excellent interpersonal skills with ability to lead, interact with, focus, resolve conflict, and drive consensus among, individuals from a variety of cultures and disciplines• Must have strong organizational skills, including the ability to follow assignments through to completion (bias towards execution)• Excellent communications skills with an ability to efficiently and productively communicate both orally and in writing are required• Solid understanding of highly competitive markets is an advantage• Understanding of market access environment (e.g. tenders) ias well as experience from financial planning processes is a plus• Solid understanding of how to thrive in highly competitive markets is an advantage• In-depth knowledge and experience of the HIV market is a plus, but not a requirement
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Assoc Director, Product Management
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