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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager - Kubernetes H/F chez Groupe Iliad

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Description entreprise :
Powered by talented and passionate people working hard on democratizing the cloud, Scaleway, the 2nd leading European infrastructure cloud provider, is a multicultural company, rapidly growing into a global brand. We are present in 160 countries, with more than 300 employees of 18 nationalities.

We are a cloud computing pioneer delivering the innovative capabilities of modern multi cloud, covering a full spectrum of services for professionals : public cloud services with Scaleway Elements, private infrastructures and colocation with Scaleway Datacenter and bare Metal infrastructures with Scaleway Dedibox.

We place people at the heart of our purpose as an enabler of the internet. Our organization encourages responsibility, autonomy, commitment and thought leadership from our collaborators. Our premises are open spaces, conducive to exchange and interaction between individuals.

We believe IT is our responsibility to BE a positive force in society and to collectively design new systems for a better future. We want to increase access to the digital and technology industry. As our business scales, the customers we serve are increasingly diverse and global. Giving them an unbeatable experience is central to our business strategy. To better understand our customers and partners, we need a workforce that's as diverse as they are.
Our Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) strategy is a strategic asset for nurturing our future business growth, highly visible to our customers and partners. Scaleway has committed to take a proactive approach to develop the rich skills and competencies of all our workforce and to open up professional opportunities in creative and flexible ways, so that we can truly enjoy the rewards of working in a highly diverse, inclusive and global team, no matter the gender, religious beliefs or ethnicity.

Join a community of more than 300 passionate people and become part of a growing company rooted in the world of tomorrow.

Description du poste :
About the job

The PaaS (Platform as a Service) product team is built of Product Managers that pair with Engineering Managers, Product Marketing Managers, and Designers to think, build, deploy and maintain Scaleway's PaaS ecosystem's products.

The products we build aim to facilitate our clients' lives by providing them a cloud service that is resilient and highly scalable so that our customers can focus on their own business expertise : building software and services ! As of today, our PaaS ecosystem includes various types of products such as storage, Managed Database, Serverless, Managed Kubernetes, Iot and AI. Not to mention all the products that are coming soon.

Reporting to the VP of PaaS Product, and your Lead Product Manager, you will BE responsible for defining, specifying and delivering the future of our two Kubernetes products, Kapsule (our managed K8s engine) and Kosmos (the first ever multi cloud managed K8s engine).

You will play a key role in building the strategy for Scaleway's cloud ecosystem. Alongside your development team, the Engineering Manager, and fellow PMs, the Product Manager's daily mission is to bring value to Scaleway's clients with the products they are in charge of.

Because of your strategic position inside the team, the PM will BE the \"GO to\" person, not only internally at Scaleway, but also externally, for any product related concern. You will talk with developers, marketing teams, sales teams, support teams, customers on a daily basis !
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Product Manager - Kubernetes H/F
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