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International Product Manager (H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre International Product Manager (H/F) chez Groupe Saint Gobain

Accueil Recherche Avancée Région Île-de-France International product manager (h/f)

International Product Manager (H/F)

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Référence : 578339
Date de dépot : 28/05/2020
Entreprise : Groupe Saint-Gobain

Descriptif Description :

Saint-Gobain conçoit, produit et distribue des matériaux et des solutions pensés pour le bien-être de chacun et l’avenir de tous. Rejoignez une communauté innovante, passionnée et entreprenante pour améliorer le monde de demain.

As an International Product Manager, you will integrate the Marketing Group Division and more precisely, the team in charge of the development and innovation product. The job is focused on business needs and will address all our activities in the world.

The main purpose of your job is to:

Define and propose the strategy for your business perimeter; share it with countries Forster innovation in close cooperation with R&D either through the management of international products or through a close on demand work with countries for their local projects Support countries to improve their portfolio management Strong collaboration with other Saint-Gobain businesses/métiers and contribution to transversal topics & solutions

Your main missions are to :

capture customer needs, translate them into differentiating specifications, work with: Pilot countries to place new solutions on the market R&D and Operations to deliver performances on line with the optimized Book of Specifications Sales on price positioning, value argumentation and training of local teams and trainers Analyze markets: standards and competition Work on certification of international solutions, responsible for international products or systems certification; supports local certification process. Work closely with other Marketing & Development departments such as Communications (ex.brands, communication tools), Digital, Legal (patents and legal contracts). Follow sales after roll-out with local marketing, purchasers and suppliers.

Travels: average 30%, peaks up to 50%, max.

Profil recherché Profil recherché :

You are graduated of a Business or Engineering degree, and you have more than 10 years of experience either in the innovation field or in marketing product positions.

You have a good predisposition to integrate customer needs in your practice.

You know how to manage a project and have a good knowledge of all development phases.

You are fluent in English both in active (speaking / writing) and passive way (listening / reading) and able to facilitate and lead meeting.

Expérience : Plus de 10 ans d'expérience
Lieu de la mission : Île-de-France - Courbevoie
Poste(s) disponible(s) : 1
Poste de cadre : Oui
Contrat : CDI
Début de la mission : 28/05/2020

Entreprise Nom de l'entreprise : Groupe Saint-Gobain
Site Web :
Contact : Madame LAHAYE Julie
Adresse : 18 Avenue d'Alsace - Les Miroirs

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International Product Manager (H/F)
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