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Contenu de l'offre SENIOR PRODUCT MANAGER chez Heuritech

Paris 17e (75)


Possibilities to bring value at Heuritech are endless so we are looking for 2 passionate, rigorous, creative Product Managers to join our team composed of a Product Owner, Developers, Data Scientists & Fashion curators.

As a Product Manager, your role will be to conceive the best experience on both current & future offers, in order to provide growing business value to our customers:

** Own your part of the roadmap **: as a Senior PM, you will need to be always on top of key problems & needs on your area of ownership. To do this, you will leverage client feedback, market research, user interviews, product analytics, and any other idea you might have to deepen your underestanding and make sure we focus on the right user scenarii. Work closely with developers, data scientists & fashion curators to translate new user scenarii into squads and evaluate feasibility. Depending on your expertise & taste, you will lead data and / or fashion oriented squads. Write specs and monitor projects closely working with squad members Find ways to test new ideas quickly & efficiently Handle release plans articulating short-term improvements and the release of new offers Create buy-in for the product vision and user scenarii both internally and with key external partners*


You are a former product manager in a top-tier SaaS or data startup You are focused on bringing real value to users and see the big picture VS focus on features You have a strong interest for advanced data science / deep learning You have a proven track record of product launches and you're not afraid to build new things from scratch You are entrepreneurial, driven, and passionate, with a strong product culture You are organized and advocate new methodologies and processes You communicate in a clear and efficient manner; and have demonstrated some leadership skills in the past Interest in Fashion is a plus


1) 45mn call
2) Case study
3) Meeting the team / founders


Contract Type: Full-Time Start Date: 03 February 2020 Location: Paris 17e Arrondissement, France (75017)
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