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Contenu de l'offre Test Engineer - ADAS chez IAV GmbH

Jobliste 277 / 349 < >

Test Engineer - ADAS


Full time Employee Guyancourt (F)

Your tasks

IAV France extends the activities of it ADAS Team for the French and international markets. As an ADAS validation engineer, we offer you the opportunity to grow in several fields of System Engineering, in the framework of an ongoing project and within an international project team. Your tasks will include:

To validate ADAS functions like AEB, Park Assist, Lane Change Assist or Autonomous Driving To define the validation strategy (MIL, SIL, HIL and vehicle) To realize validation and test plans To tune functions and the entire system To check availability of test means Possibility to manage the project validation (work package management) completely

Your skills

Degree in System / Electronic / Software / Control Engineering (Master or PhD) with focus on ADAS fields Minimum 3 years of experience in ADAS applying validation process Experience in functional and system validation (MIL/SIL/HIL/Vehicle) dedicated to data fusion, decision process and trajectory planning, using Matlab/Simulink and CarMaker Expert of validation process (V&V) Knowledge of sensors such as radar, lidar, ultra-sonic or camera as well as of functional safety ISO26262 for validation parts High interest in the automotive field: vehicle systems decomposition, functional architecture, ECUs etc. Very good oral and written communication skills in French & English; German is not requested but would be a plus

Our offer

You will be working in a highly motivated team on demanding and trend-setting assignments with a great deal of scope for your ideas. Our qualification programme promotes your professional and personal development. All of that offered in a modern, attractive working environment with a constantly growing, globally operating successful company.

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Your contact

Mrs. Laetitia Astier

Tel. +33 1 3012-0000

Weitere Informationen

Sie haben noch Fragen zu Ihrer Bewerbung oder IAV als Arbeitgeber? Wir haben die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten rund um das Thema Bewerbung für Sie zusammengestellt.

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Test Engineer - ADAS
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