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Junior Test Engineer for ATV Body Power (f/m/div)*

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Contenu de l'offre Junior Test Engineer for ATV Body Power (f/m/div)* chez Infineon Technologies

Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade (13)

As a Junior Test Engineer you will be responsible for test development of High Current IC and power conversion devices. Moreover you will develop Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) software and design the test hardware.

In your new role you will:

Develop Automatic Test Equipment programs for Wafer Probe and Final Test and design of the test hardware for new Automotive High Current IC products using Teradyne microFLEX. Work closely with Design, Application and Product Engineers, to understand the ATE development support required for the development of the product in a timely & expeditious manner. Transfer of ATE software and hardware to off-shore production wafer probe and final test locations with a focus on being predictable to a committed project timeline. Verify HW schematics and PCB layout. Review statistical data (including repeatability, correlation, tri temp data …) prior to release of the test solution to manufacturing site. Develop a Test solution development in line with budget, timeline, and associated resources, status tracking and reporting into project organization. Coordinate external partners supporting test development activities

Your Profile

You are a self-driven, motivated team player and an active driver who wants to get things done. You work well under pressure, are flexible and thrive in a challenging work environment. You aspire to outstanding results with passion, are personally committed to the customer’s concerns and award them a high priority.

You are best equipped for this task if you have:

Bachelor/Master Degree in Electronics. Knowledge in lab equipment: oscilloscopes, current probe, multi-meter, curve tracer... A power electronic and metrology background (will be appreciated). Visual Basic / C / C++ programming languages background. Experience with PCB layout CAD. Team spirit, good communication and organisational skills, working in an international environment. Fluency in English.


What we offer you in France

Infineon France has four different sites located in Paris, Toulouse, Marseille and Aix-en-Provence.

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Junior Test Engineer for ATV Body Power (f/m/div)*
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