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Senior Engineer Test Development (f/m/div)

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Engineer Test Development (f/m/div) chez Infineon Technologies

Senior Engineer Test Development (f/m/div*)

Job description

In your new role you will:
Define, develop and optimize production test software and hardware for automotive products in close cooperation with the IC design team
Plan, run and coordinate test projects

Develop innovative testing methods (e.g., DfT, test circuits)
Analyze, debug and characterize new products on the tester
Write and optimize test program code, test methods to improve quality and efficiency
Support and work closely together with production sites in Europe and Asia

Create test concepts to minimize test time and optimize cost for high volume products, ramp-up support
Verify the performance of new test equipment
Ensure result interpretation and documentation
Analyse internal customer requirements and perform feasibility studies
Willingness to travel, if needed, to different Infineon development and production sites

Your profile

You are best equipped for this task if you have:

Master's degree or equivalent in Electrical Engineering, Electronics,Automation or equivalent
Some professional experience in IC test development engineering within the semiconductor industry

Professional experience with mixed signal IC testingon automated test equipment (ATE), ideally on Advantest 93k and/or Teradyne Flex/Microflex
Analytical and problem-solving skills
Programming skills, e.g., VBA, C++
Experience or skills in data analysis, statistical methods and tools
Fluency in English and French.

Part of your life. Part of tomorrow.
Infineon is a world leader in semiconductor solutions that make life easier, safer, and greener. Our solutions for efficient energy management, smart mobility, and secure, seamless communications link the real and the digital world.
* The term gender in the sense of the General Equal Treatment Act (GETA) or other national legislation refers to the biological assignment to a gender group. At Infineon we are proud to embrace (gender) diversity, including female, male and diverse.

Does this sound like just the right challenge for you? If so, we look forward to getting to know you!

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Senior Engineer Test Development (f/m/div)
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