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Contenu de l'offre Auto­mot­ive Test Engineer chez infinIT Codelab

We’d like you to join us.

We believe that behind every great software developer is an equally great tester. If you also think so, and finding bugs in programming and coding is what makes you feel satisfied. If you are ambitious, have a great eye for the details. And finally if you think code might be beautiful and ways to make it elegant are infinite…

And we are the Codelab.

So it looks like we fit to each other, doesn’t it? We are IT and product development services provider focused on the innovations behind the connected world of tomorrow. We specialize in building cars, but we also helped making the planes and helicopters fly. We create tiny embedded devices which surround you in modern buildings, shopping malls, factories or even in public transport. We create huge web portals and beautifully designed mobile applications; but we’re also in IoT area and we deploy automated contact centers of the future. As you can see, we do a whole bunch of things. You surely can find something for yourself.

We offer you the following:

Private healthcare Playroom Personal growth Team building events Language training subsidies Contracts for creative work Investment fund Occasional benefits Relocation bonus Multisport Food subsidies International projects Budget for training Flexible working hours Work-Life balance Stable employment Competitive salary Amazing atmosphere Possibility to work from one of our offices (Wrocław/Szczecin) or remotely from the location you want

We expect this in return:

at least 1 year of experience in automotive or embedded test environment ability to read code written in C ability to read requirements in German language, basic German communication skills testing domain knowledge, ability to write test scenarios proactive attitude good command of English, both written and spoken

And so, we can make you responsible for:

development of state-of-the-art products from the Automotive area ensuring high quality products in modern vehicle power management system project participation in technical meetings and workshops with the client

And also it would be nice if you:

had experience in ADAS testing had ISTQB Foundation Certificates had experience in German language project had superpowers

Join us then, why wouldn’t you?

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Auto­mot­ive Test Engineer
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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