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Contenu de l'offre Data Product Manager H/F chez IZIWORK

At iziwork, we leverage technology to empower workers and radically improve the way they get access to and experience work. On our web and mobile on-demand temp staffing platform, we match independant workers and entreprises in a few clicks thanks to transparent and smart algorithms, and make their lives easier with fast and effortless staffing processes.

After a first round of fundraising, the founding team of seasoned business and tech entrepreneurs is hiring a talented, ambitious and passionate team to shake up the temp market and build the next Unicorn in Europe.


Tomorrow, iziwork will thrive on data, and it will be our main competitive moat. You will create & lead the Data squad that will get us there. This role is responsible for the planning, roadmap, and execution of data tools and data platforms, such as matching algorithms, training recommendations, worker data enrichment programs & more, etc.

“Build the right thing…”**

Understand your users’ pain points and needs through qualitative & quantitative research Analyse your product usage through our analytical tools stack to understand what drives usage and conversion Build and nurture your product vision with the Head of Product, based on the data you gathered (from users, your team, data analysis, competitors, user research…) Turn that into a strategy and a well-thought out roadmap: you will make sure that we’re building the right features Make sure your team / stakeholders understand and embrace it through your engaging communication

“… and build it right”**

Work closely with your squad to come up with the best solution to address your users' pain points: you will also make sure that we’re building the feature right Organize and prioritize everything with the Head of Product, and explain the rationale behind it to all partners, stakeholders and your team Ensure that all products shipped by your team meet their objectives Test hypothesis and ideas on the field with ingenious MVPs Analyse features performance through A/B testing, behavior data, etc. and generate insights about your product Communicate in a timely manner about important informations, alerts, etc. Ask for help everytime you need it, and be a fast learner


3+ years of experience in Data Product Management, Data Engineering and/or Data Science (for the latter two, an obvious interest & willingness to move the Product side of those jobs) 1+ years of product/project/team management experience Experience partnering with cross-functional teams like engineering and analytics to define, build, and maintain products which are essential to growth, engagement, and retention Management experience a huge plus Excellent communication and stakeholder management skills Strong business sense

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI

Salaire : 40 000,00€ à 65 000,00€ /an

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Data Product Manager H/F
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