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Test Engineer for Sub-System Integration and validation on Tetrapol PMR Terminal

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Contenu de l'offre Test Engineer for Sub-System Integration and validation on Tetrapol PMR Terminal chez Joblift

Saint-Denis-lès-Rebais (77) Société : airbus-groupDescription of the job

A vacancy for a Test Engineer for Sub-System Integration and validation on Tetrapol PMR Terminals has arisen within Airbus Defence and Space SLC (Secure Land Communications) in Elancourt. You will join the Terminal Software Engineering France team (TCCTER1).

The portfolio of Secure Land Communications Program Line encompasses professional mobile radio communication (PMR), including network solutions, radio terminals, dispatching, network and security operating centers, and services.

In the Terminal Software Engineering France team, you will be in charge of testing at Sub System level professional mobile radio terminal.

You will work either on new products or for the maintenance in operational conditions of terminals already in use by our customers.

You will participate to tests strategy definition, create tests plan, define tests cases and will also run the tests campaigns and no regression tests plan. You should have a significant expertise on Tetrapol and more specifically on terminals.

Your responsibility will include integration and verification of the Terminal software produced against requirements. The requirements analysis will be of the utmost importance in early phase of projects, this analysis could influence product software features.

An important part of the job is also to be able to communicate sharp and synthetic information with software developers’ team in order to support quick problem solving.

You must master tests means as automation testing tools and simulators. You also have to master PMR terminal debug tools, Terminals configuration tools. You are used to work with software configuration management tools. You will have responsibility for final embedded software generation.

You must demonstrate a significant experience in Agile method as scrum framework and also in classic waterfall approach. You have already worked as a test engineer on android application verification and validation and are used to work with JIRA.

This position may require being eligible for clearance by the recognized authorities.

Tasks & accountabilities

You will be in charge of the following activities:
o Definition of the Integration and Sub System Validation tests strategy for Terminals projects,
o Analysis and investigation on software defaults reports and hot topics,
o Terminals testing according to defined tests strategy,
o Official Software deliveries,
o Creation of tests scenarios in Tests Database tool,
o Running of tests campaign and no regression tests including Automation tests,
o Provision of the 1st support level toward validation team,
o Reporting on tests progress and results.

This role will involve some travel for business and as such you must be able to travel accordingly.

This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company’s success, reputation and sustainable growth.

Required skills

You will have the following skills and experience:
Engineering degree or equivalent in IT, Successful experience in Tests Engineering domain, Excellent knowledge of TETRAPOL Terminal products, Good knowledge of Clearcase, Git, JIRA, ClearQuest, Requisite Pro, Quality Center, Automation testing (Sikuli), Tests of Android application, Langage Python, Be able to work either with Linux and Windows PCs environment, High comprehension of real time software constraints, Agile/Scrum methodology, Excellent communication skills, ability to work in a team, skills for synthesis, Ability to work to strict timescales, Language Skills: fluency in French (native level), advanced level in English.
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Test Engineer for Sub-System Integration and validation on Tetrapol PMR Terminal
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