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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Team Manager chez John Wiley & Sons

Senior Product Team Manager

Location: Remote anywhere in France (Suresnes or Paris area is preferred)

Company: Crossknowledge, A Wiley company.

Our mission is to unlock human potential. We welcome you for who you are, the background you bring, and we embrace individuals who get excited about learning. Bring your experiences, perspectives, and passion; it’s in our differences that we empower the way the world learns. 

Position Summary:
The Senior Product Team Manager will manage a team of 6 Product Owners with the product and technical skills in a SAFe framework to build future learning.

The Senior Product Team Manager will ensure the development of new products and releases and make sure his team will coordinate all internal stakeholders to ensure the product strategy's execution. The manager will ensure his teams are aligned, empowered, and manage communication and changes as we market new features and products. Contribute to the delivery of learning solutions and material that help engage employees in their learning journeys and improve skills acquisition. 

How you will make an impact:

Manage a team of product owners.
The senior product manager cultivates the product's vision in the departments’ members and ensures that his team efficiently and effectively executes the strategy.
Ensures the team coordinates with the UX designers, Product managers and technology team to deliver features in an agile product development process.
Monitor and report on KPIs
Support product enhancement release activities
Contribute to product implementation discussions related to new product enhancements.
Hire and train new candidates for the product team.
Motivate and supervise product team to meet departmental goals.

What we look for:

Minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in computer science, technology 
Minimum 3 years experience in a similar role.
Experience working in an agile framework (ideally SAFe)
Organizational skills are critical for this role
Experience in change management
Experience in professional learning is a plus
Experience presenting to and working with clients or customers is a plus
English is a must-have

About Wiley
Enabling Discovery, Powering Education, Shaping Workforces.

We clear the way for seekers of knowledge: illuminating the path forward for research and education, tearing down barriers to society’s advancement, and giving seekers the help they need to turn their steps into strides.

Wiley may have been founded over two centuries ago, but our secret to success remains the same: our people. We are willing to challenge the status quo, move the needle, and be innovative. Wiley’s headquarters are located in Hoboken, New Jersey, with operations across the globe in more than 40 countries.



Job Requisition:

Remote Location:


Time Type:



Matthew Leavy

ELT +1:

Romain Mallard

Management Level ID:


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Senior Product Team Manager
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