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E-Commerce Platform Product Manager (Chef de projet e-commerce H/F)

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Contenu de l'offre E-Commerce Platform Product Manager (Chef de projet e-commerce H/F) chez Kingfisher Group



Our ambition is to become the leading home improvement company. We want to create good homes by making home improvement accessible for everyone. We are investing in working better together, to make the most of our scale and to better serve our customers. One of the ways we’ll achieve our ambition is by developing and delivering a range of home improvement products based on customer insights that will be available across all of our nine brands in six countries. We’ve started our transformation journey and are investing significantly to make our ambition a success.
Are you highly motivated, proactive and passionate about Digital innovation using the very latest technologies? Can you thrive in a fast-paced environment with frequently changing business needs and priorities? Can you bring a wealth of product management best practice and combine it with a fully Agile, adaptive approach to delivery? Are you passionate about driving collaboration and teamwork within a business that serves 23 million customers from 1,176 stores across Europe?
If so, the Kingfisher Digital team would love to hear from you !


To be the product lead for e-commerce platform and applications, managing the performance of the product, managing and escalating any incidents or issues identified in production. Ensures the overall direction of the product development, balances both the business and customer requirements whilst maximising the capabilities of the technology platforms. Identifies and forges relationships with business SME’s to define detailed elaboration of requirements. Manages and Prioritises change requirements in line with business / customer benefit and ROI. This role requires the need for high engagement with Marketing, Finance, Retail Operations, logistics and a close working relationship with Group Digital and KITS.
Role Objectives :
Managing the performance of production services, working across IT teams to ensure that agreed SLAs and operational performance objectives are met. Managing the end-to-end product, working across the product lifecycle, identifying / assessing problems and opportunities with the live product Working with Digital team and wider business SMES to understand and define new requirements Engaging with the OpCo SMEs to prioritise local problem records and feeding these into Group PO Scope and prioritise product changes and fixes based on business and customer impact Working with KITs, Omni Channel and wider business SMES to schedule maintenance, code deployments and planned outages and releases, ensuring key trading periods are protected and Omni Channel stakeholders are fully informed of the release plan Working with the Transformation team to draft CRs and feed a prioritised list to Group PO and ensure that the development work undertaken is aligned to the Kingfisher product vision. Working with the analytics team to ensure that the desired business benefit has been met Inform the group delivery teams of any mandatory change or maintenance required to the platform Working with SMES to translate business needs and priorities into requirements and feed into relevant backlogs Creation, management, and Communication of the backlog plan to the Digital team and key stakeholders Supporting with definition at a feature and user story level Supporting with business readiness of new developed features and functionality to ensure successful delivery of new features and fixes for the product. To Participate as required in daily stand-ups, Iteration Planning Meetings, Iteration Reviews To Lead demonstration of product to stakeholders through show and tells and gathers feedback, feeding back into the Product Backlog To Inspect the product progress at the end of every Sprint and accept or reject user stories


Excellent analytical, reasoning and problem solving skills. Have excellent communication, influencing and stakeholder management skills. Have solid technical understanding of e-commerce, mobile and fulfilment technologies, gained preferably in an e-commerce/multichannel environment. Solid waterfall and/or agile project management skills Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Strong commercial awareness Familiarity with digital platform development including analysis, architecture and implementation. Able to interface with both non-technical business stakeholders and technical developers and describe complex technical solutions to non-technical audiences Ability to understand low level requirements as part of the ‘bigger picture Ability to think on your feet, and make decisions under pressure Hands on experience of translating propositions into tangible, practical and achievable solutions
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E-Commerce Platform Product Manager (Chef de projet e-commerce H/F)
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