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Senior Software Performance Test Engineer

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Software Performance Test Engineer chez Kyriba

Kyriba is the global leader in cloud-based treasury, cash and risk management solutions, delivering Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) financial technology to corporate CFOs and Treasurers. More than 1,500 global organizations (including Amazon, Spotify, AirBnb, Electronic Arts and Qualcomm) use Kyriba to enhance their global cash visibility, improve financial controls, and increase productivity across their cash and liquidity, payments, supply chain finance and risk management operations.
Kyriba is headquartered in New York, with offices in San Diego, Paris, London, Tokyo, Singapore, Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Rio de Janeiro.
Kyriba has added 200 new clients in the past twelve months and is growing at a fast pace!
Kyriba is seeking a talented Senior Software Performance Test Engineer to join our existing organization of more than 100 engineers working together to bring innovative solutions to Kyriba clients around the globe. We are a team of passionate people motivated by agility, innovation and continuous improvement.
The Software Performance Test Engineer is responsible for the quality of his product and for its integration within Kyriba global solution. He is in charge of designing, coding and executing the Performance and Reliability tests as well as communicating their results. He/She works within a development team using innovative methodologies and technologies. As transversal approach and global vision are key, the Software Tester works collectively with Product Owners developers and other test’s teams.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
Major responsibilities: Test definition Test data and scenario design, development and coding Test execution Result analysis, communication and follow-up, proposal for improvements Proactive continuous improvement and monitors the quality of his product:
Additional Responsibilities: Assessment of Performance and Reliability test tools Performance and Reliability tests’ suite optimizations automation Test integration into development life cycle Tests creation and review with Product Owners
KPI 1: Increase the number of Performance and Reliability executed tests during the first year KPI 2 : Excellent cooperation with Product Owners and Product specialists (positive feedback during the first three months) KPI 3 : Management and follow up in Agile mode while respecting deadlines
Assist with these Duties when Requested:
Knowledge of Performance and Reliability testing Good knowledge of Load Injection tools and ability to program them Strong knowledge of testing tools (unit, integration, GUI, …) Good knowledge of Windows and Linux O.S. (monitoring and log analysis) Java development skills Some knowledge of all non-functional testing (i10n, i18n, ….) Agile Software Development, Scrum, Kanban Fluent English Background in Finance or of the treasury space Autonomous, team player and passion for technologies
Kyriba Culture and Values:
At Kyriba, we value a strong work culture and sense of community and ownership among our global team. We live by our “iCare” value system to demonstrate our care and commitment to our clients and to each other. In hiring, we look for candidates that are a strong fit with our culture and values, as well as bring the talent and experience required by the position.
Innovation: We foster innovation and entrepreneurial thinking across our team by rewarding employees for their achievements and encouraging efficiency and continual process improvement. Client Success: Our passion is to enable our clients’ success. We do this by understanding their needs, and developing and managing solutions that provide them the insight to effectively drive decision making within their organizations. Accountability: We each take personal responsibility for our actions. We are committed to our own continuous improvement and we go the extra mile to meet our clients' needs. Respect: We respect each other’s ideas, efforts and commitments, and embrace our diverse cultures and points of view. We achieve our goals through teamwork, responsiveness, open communication and a positive attitude. Excellence: We strive for excellence in all that we do and bring the passion and commitment to deliver on our promises. We achieve excellence through leadership, teamwork, transparency and integrity, and we are committed to recognizing employee achievements.
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Senior Software Performance Test Engineer
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