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Contenu de l'offre SENIOR PRODUCT MANAGER - FOR GROWTH chez Luko


At Luko, Lukooms’ forces are divided into 3 tribes, set up on a product-based organisation. Each tribe has its own roadmap with a product manager and a dedicated tech team: The MRR tribe that focuses on Luko’s growth via the acquisition of new customers, the NPS tribe is aimed at delighting our users throughout the whole life of their contract - claims included, and the TPM tribe that works on building the best connected devices and services to protect our homes.

As part of the MRR tribe (Monthly Recurring Revenue), you will primarily work on Luko’s growth via the acquisition & retention of new customers. Across all available channels, the MRR squad is responsible for creating diverse advertising campaigns, building new partnerships and creating our Luko brand that represents us as we are: reliable, caring, committed, accessible and ever evolving.

Your mission

As Senior Product Manager - for Growth, you are responsible for enabling customers and users to quickly find value within the core product.

At Luko, customer obsession is one of our core principles. As our Senior Product Manager - for Growth, you will have to place a high priority on customer satisfaction, but also customer loyalty.

Optimize the marketing sales funnel by maximizing conversion, turning more and more visitors into actual Luko customers Run an iterative process of determining high-impact value enhancement opportunities and manage the development process in close collaboration with the tech team Work on creative and engaging in-app & desktop solutions, in close collaboration with our product designer Run & improve experiments for potential solutions until optimization Set metrics to measure growth product performance, and focus on tracking them


Who are you?

You have a strong background of minimum 3/5 years in Product Management in a B2C company; preferably in the e-commerce industry You have a growth mindset and thrive in a fast startup environment. You are obsessed with the user’s needs and experience You have helped enabling products in B2C or B2B space: e-commerce, Self-Serve SAAS, Freemium, Consumer App. You have a strong scientific and analytical mindset and adopt a data-driven, hands-on approach to probe issues You are driven by trying and experimenting with a variety of approaches and processes, in order to hack the way to Growth From conducting brainstorming sessions and status meetings to enabling collaboration, resolving conflicts, and guiding people toward well-defined goals, you know how to communicate effectively and frequently Ideally, you are an active member of Product & Growth communities You have great communication and interpersonal skills You have excellent English skills (written and verbal)


Contract Type: Full-Time Start Date: 01 October 2020 Location: Paris, France (75011) Education Level: Master's Degree Experience: > 3 years Occasional remote authorized
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