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Contenu de l'offre MANAGER – DIRECT E-COMMERCE chez LVMH


The Omnichannel department of the LVMH Group is supporting Maisons on their omnichannel & selling capabilities growth with the objective to offer to the clients a seamless omnichannel journey. Omnichannel department ambition is to accelerate transformation of our Maisons through various Programs focused on our Maisons key priorities.

Part of Omnichannel, E-Business & Clienteling team, our Program Manager E-Commerce reports to the Senior Program Manager E-Commerce and plays a key role in a daily dialogue both with the various Group departments (IT, Operations, Media, Finance, Legal, Environment etc) and Maisons’ HQ. This role supports our top Maisons on their direct E-Commerce business acceleration.

The Program manager will:

Implement the “Direct eCommerce Group Support Offer” to our Maisons, with actionable projects, roadmap, ambitions and tangible measurements
Team work with peers from other channels (Retail and Indirect Commerce teams) to ensure contribution of Direct eCommerce in a full distribution eco-system, strengthening the omnichannel approach with consistency and complementarity between channels.
Operate game changer programs to support our Maisons & Divisions on key business prioritiessuch as eCommerce Expansion, Conversion, Last Mile Delivery, Payments and eCom Packaging.
Infuse Direct Ecommerce Group Excellence Standards in all deliverables
Onboard and animate communities of Maisons around these game changer Programs up to MVP (minimum viable product) scalable and replicable by design and turn them into actionable and visible eBusiness and NPS optimization drivers.

Key missions are:

Engage with our Maisons, understand their needs and priorities, and support them to implement their E-Commerce roadmap.
Provide Maisons operational assets for each program (tools, research, playbooks, guidelines…) and build communication plans to share these materials.
Brief and coordinate agencies, partners and consultants on key projects.

- Define key success factors for each program

- Identify key stakeholders in our Maisons and define a detailed roadmap for each program, coordinate Maisons actions and ensure successful implementation of pilots.

- Coordinate with Group stakeholders and their teams to drive our acceleration projects (across different teams such as Data, IT, Finance, Operations etc) and ensure alignment.

- Align with Indirect senior program manager and team to ensure holistic distribution vision.

- Work closely with external strategic partners and launch QBR to ensure the fluid collaboration with the Group, Divisions and the Maisons and build a Group approach.

- Support to build a program governance and animate communities with Maisons.

- Track market trends and best practices within the industry and cross business sectors and propose a client-centric approach, in coordination with Insights team

- In tight collaboration with IT, Optimization lab, build the use cases for MVPs (minimum viable product) scalable and replicable by design across the Maisons and foster re-use

- Select and manage external agencies

- Management of 1 apprentice

Background and required qualities:

Master degree in Business in a top school, or equivalent working experience.
5+ years of experience working in the field of direct eCommerce within direct & indirect distribution environment, with experience of a luxury or premium brand or even better a portfolio of brands
Experience of Product Owner in agile mode with IT, with tangibles deliverables in salesforce environment
Hands-on, “doer”, operational mindset
Perfect use of Pack office
Strong knowledge of E-commerce value chain (from roll out in new markets, to acquisition, to onsite optimization, to luxury model elevation …)
Experience in navigating complex organizations, with cross-functional teams
Action-driven, agility and organization skills
Strong team spirit
Curious and open minded by nature
Full proficiency in English

Paris based position, 2-day work from home option

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