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Test Environment & Test Data Engineer with German

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Contenu de l'offre Test Environment & Test Data Engineer with German chez Monster Talent Sourcing Services

Let's meet in Prague! 

Come to the heart of Europe and live in the magical city of Prague, where IT opportunities put career development at the palm of your hand!

We’re eager to meet the best IT people & make them excited about their next career move! We’re working with an IT leading multinational in Prague, offering promising career growth opportunities, and your knowledge and experience are the key to be a part of this team.

While working on a project for an important automotive client you will be focused on test integration environment set up and maintenance, deployments maintenance and creation of test data/users for testing purposes while using the proper methods and tools.

Your tasks will be: 
Management of deployments
• System interface partners and stakeholders communication
• Entry of planned deployments in Deployment Calendar
• Track the completion of deployments

Test Environment management
• Set up new environments for test team and business
• Maintain the environment in downtime log
• Coordinate the solution when errors in the environment

Test data management
• Product test data in projects systems
• Creation and configuration of test users for test team and business
• Proceeding orders through the system

You’ll do great if you have:
• Software testing methods and tools knowledge and experience
• Good IT general overview
• SQL, XML, Unix, Linux knowledge (desirable)
• Databases administration knowledge (desirable)
• Advanced knowledge of English and German

You are a team player and you have open mind to learn new things, you are okay with independent work as well and going on short travels occasionally doesn’t scare you?


We know you will do a great job, so we want to offer:
• Possibility to buy company’s shares
• Participation on company’s profit
• Cafeteria programme for leisure activities
• Meal Vouchers
• Multisport card
• 5 weeks of vacation, 3 sick days and Fully paid sick leave (30 days/year)
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Test Environment & Test Data Engineer with German
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