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Battery Regional Product Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Battery Regional Product Manager H/F chez Nissan

Nissan recherche …
Nissan Energy Services is looking for a regional product manager with experience in battery industry to integrate the Product team of Energy services. His role will BE to manage the product strategy of battery products (either with new batteries or second life) to increase energy team portfolio following Nissan cost and quality standards.

The candidate will BE based in Montigny, France, and will report to the Product and R&D Manager of the Energy Services team.

Main Tasks & Responsibilities
- Support Battery (Second life and new) Mid-term and Long-Term plan strategy definition.
- Identify market and product opportunities to maximize (Second life & New) battery revenue : Investigate and evaluate new market/business opportunities.
- Analyze battery (new & Second life) Market (new technology, automotive OEM activities, ESS market trend...).
- Gathers voice of the customer and accumulates market knowledge of key targeted segments and competitive offerings.
- Product line strategy planning definition.
- Participate with other regions (USA and Japan) to the identification / definition of product /market synergies.
- Product management for new product development from the specification of market requirements to the launch of new product (battery product line-up (pack, module, new ESS product if any).

Background & Experience
- 5 to 10 years of experience as Battery Product Manager, battery system / application / project engineer.
- Previous experience from the ESS market (battery, solar, PCS power conversion).
- Ability to think and act strategically and strongly customer-oriented.
- Ability to learn, market and support products and technologies linked to energy transition, circular economy approach, storage of energy.

Minimum Education Required

University Degree from Business school or Master degree in engineering

Specific Technical Skills

The candidate must have professional experience on battery systems (Li-Ion).


English is essential; French or other European languages are a plus

Montigny Le Bretonneux Yvelines France
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Battery Regional Product Manager H/F
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