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Internship Product Manager - Bigdata & Analytics Fintech

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Contenu de l'offre Internship Product Manager - Bigdata & Analytics Fintech chez Opensee

Opensee provides instant big data analytics solutions to financial institutions. Our mission is to empower business users to autonomously exploit data at a scale and granularity never seen before in order to optimize risk management, trade execution, regulatory reporting and more.

Founded in 2015 by senior banking executives and big data technology experts, Opensee's commercial traction exploded in 2020 with deployment in several Tier 1 financial institutions on critical use cases. To sustain that growth, we doubled our headcount that same year and are now expanding in NYC.

What’s in it for you?

Develop expertise in one of the most advanced solution for risk aggregations

Work in a dynamic environment where innovation and creativity are highly value

Play a key role in strategic projects for international financial institutions

What are you going to do?

With the help of a Senior Product Manager, you will learn to manage our product full life cycle development:

Gather, structure and specify client requirements for product new features and product enhancements Translate these requirements into functional specifications Brainstorm with dev teams on how to optimize their implementation (design thinking, performance optimization, scalability and evolutivity etc.) Manage all aspects of Agile product development : estimation, prioritization, sprint planning, progress tracking etc. Coordinate releases planning and delivery with development teams and Customer Success teams Automatize tools for testing, write down documentation, organize demo for clients Contribute to the definition of overall medium term to long term roadmap Contribute to product support and product troubleshooting


Must-have (your application will not be considered otherwise)

Master’s degree from a Tier Engineering School, Business School or University Excellent analytical, numerical and conceptual skills Excellent verbal and written communication skills in French and English Strong interest in Tech and Finance Convention de stage


Skills in Big Data technologies, SQL and Python Experience in Finance and/or in a Tech Startup Experience with Agile or Scrum methodologies

Working conditions

Multiple full-time positions

Duration : permanent contract

Salary : Competitive, profile based

Location : Paris based

How to apply

Send us your resume and a brief description of why you are interested in joining us, and we will come back to you very shortly!

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Internship Product Manager - Bigdata & Analytics Fintech
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