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Contenu de l'offre RF/MXSL Test Engineer chez Presto Engineering

Reporting directly to the site director and a member of the company’s RF test expert team, you will
lead and develop the local competence center in advance RF/Mixed-signal test engineering and test

You sill support our sales organization in engaging with customers then directly participate in
implementing our customers’ test projects. Your contribution will include test plan development, test
solution (hardware, software) design and implementation, device characterization and validation as
well as support for production ramp and volume.

The successful candidate will be an effective problem solver, proactive process owner and insightful
test program developer.


Primary responsibility is to develop, maintain and improve electrical testing for engineering characterization and pre-production test validation
Develop test programs (i.e. write) based on customers’ test specificationsAssume complete engineering ownership of digital and mixed signal test systemsMaintain test results correlation with customers’ golden setupsStreamline data gathering, storage and access to minimize effort required to generate required customer reports
Work with customer’s product engineering staff on test strategies that minimize final test and wafer probe requirements while maintaining product integrity to specifications
Support product development and production testing with the generation of optimal load board and probe card solutions including schematic capture and layout review


Minimum BS, MS preferred in Electrical EngineeringExperience (1+ year) in developing test solutions for RF and/or Mixed-signal components on Automatic Test Equipment (ATE), ideally Teradyne/Flex or LTXC/Fusion
C, C++, Visual Basic demonstrated hands-on programming experienceHands-on experience with operation and programming of test equipment such as Logic Analyzers, Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes
Proficient with MS Office tools. Familiarity with statistical analysis tools (e.g. Galaxy Yield Management software) a plus
Must have a “do whatever it takes” attitude to get the job done and a No-questions-asked “customer is number one priority” business style
Excellent mastering of both spoken and written English.
Cpf final 4

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RF/MXSL Test Engineer
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