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Internship: Digital Project Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Internship: Digital Project Manager chez Proximity Paris

Boulogne-Billancourt (92) Stage Location: Proximity Paris
Client: Procter & Gamble
Brands: International CRM Program
Availability: 1st July 2020


Proximity Paris is a member of the Proximity worldwide network, the world’s most awarded, direct and digital agency network. With more than 2,500 employees in 62 offices around the world and a member of the Omnicom group of companies - the world’s largest marketing services organization.


We’re looking for a dynamic and motivated Digital Project Manager to join our Pampers team at Proximity as an intern and help us support our global multi-brand CRM project.

The Project Manager, will have the following responsibilities:

Assist with the planning, briefs, requirements, and wireframes for new projects
Assist with the coordination of the creative and technical resources for projects
Assist with the everyday coordination and organization with the different clients
Create tools and documentations helping local country agencies to understand and localize feature innovations.
Assist with various tasks related to the localization and deployment of new features on worldwide Pampers markets

Must be fluent in English (both written and spoken), French is a plus.
Skilled at Office tools / experience in creating presentations destined for clients (in English)
Ideally have a first experience with digital projects
Must be a team player – supportive, reliable, with an ability to work within an international team
Must be rigorous, proactive, excellent organizational skills and detailed oriented
Must have a “Convention de Stage”

Mandatory: Full-time, 0930 – 1830, Monday through Friday.
Length of internship: 6 months


Massabni Jad
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Internship: Digital Project Manager
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