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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Qonto

Qonto is the leading neobank for SMEs and freelancers.
Founded by Alexandre Prot and Steve Anavi, Qonto simplifies everyday banking, finance management and accounting. We offer a user-centric business banking solution on mobile and desktop, a very responsive customer service and transparent pricing. We are targeting all businesses from 1 to 250 employees and can either replace a traditional bank account or be a complement to make every business banking as easy, efficient and hassle-free as it should be.
Our mission is to create the bank all businesses love. We focus on client satisfaction and people development through our core values:
Ambition: we tackle big problems Teamwork: we can only create magic by working together Mastery: we grow and get better every day Integrity: we care and respect our community
Key facts: 40,000+ business clients since our launch (July 2017) 130+ Qontoers €32m in funding from tier-one VCs: Valar (founded by Peter Thiel), Alven and the European Investment Bank One of the 50 Emerging stars in worldwide FinTech by KPMG and H2 Ventures! The 3rd most attractive startup in France according to Linkedin and 2018 winner of the FrenchWeb500 prize The ambitious plan to expand to 3 additional European markets in 2019: Germany, Italy and Spain
As part of the product team, you join a squad of experienced product managers and UI/UX designers working on making the best possible user experience, and building the most scalable product you can think of. ️Responsibilities You are responsible for discovery, specification and improvement of features You will understand customer needs through user interviews, data analysis, and usability sessions You will work on creative solutions, in collaboration with product designers and developers You will support the development process in close collaboration with the tech team

Your profile

You love solving big and complex problems and understanding end-customer needs You worked as a product manager in a top-tier startup for 3+ years You love learning how to perfect your product craft skills everyday You have strong interpersonal and communication skills You have a great sense for details. If you see something that’s broken, you’re there to fix it in the best possible way You are fluent in English


Qonto card (for lunch) Digital health insurance (Alan) Large choice of sports activities (Gymlib) Typical startup perks (Macbook pro, goodies, free snacks/drinks) 1,000 square meters offices in "Silicon Sentier" (central Paris) Regular team events: Team lunches/dinners, team drinks, off-sites

Hiring process

Video-call - HR interview (45min) Onsite exercise (2h to 3h) Onsite interviews (usually 2 to 3, 30min each) Reference check Final interview with one of the 2 founders Offer!
Cpf final 4

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Product Manager
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