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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager chez Qwant

Born from an audacious challenge, Qwant is the first search engine to develop a genuine alternative on the European online search market.

What makes us unique is that we don’t track our users, we know nothing about each of them, and still, we aim to help them find what they are looking for on the Internet.

Ambitious, isn’t it?

Today, after a successful fundraising, we are looking for new talents to help us make the Web.

If you want your work to actually mean something and help millions of users, if you think that privacy matters even when you have “nothing to hide”, if you like to be challenged and you are not afraid of failure, then we might have a few things in common.

Job Description

Within a human-sized cross-skills agile squad, operating as a mini-startup inside Qwant, you will work as a Product Manager.

You will be expected to:

Lead the path of your team towards daily challenging situations Assess priorities and feasibility of new components for the product(s) you will be responsible for Design and optimize robust software, to cope with the challenges brought by tremendous amounts of users Look for opportunities for insights/datasets/components/code to be used across other functions across the organization Guarantee your product(s)’s quality by constantly evaluating its (their) strengths and weak spots Find and get in touch with potential partners to make your products even more awesome Keep your team’s work consistent with the company’s directions Working close to the sea and mountains, under the sun of the French Riviera

Of course, you will always be able to count on the help of your fellow mates.

Expected skills and experience

Humility Experience with Web Development, software architecture, data architecture and data modeling Ability to KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) and to break down complex problems into actionable steps Successful experience in digital product management Entrepreneurial mind, independently driving vision and roadmaps Excellent communication skills with both functional and technical profiles Attention to detail and excellent problem-solving skills Team player with a positive mindset Fluent in English or French (any other language is a plus)

More information about the job

The job is located in Nice. We think that it is important that all members of a squad work together in the same place You would start as soon as you are available Compensation will be based on your profile and experience

Next steps

If your profile meets our expectations, we will first organize a quick call to get to know each other.

Then you will be offered to have an on-site interview, to get a chance to meet a few of your future colleagues. If you can’t make it to one of our offices, don’t worry, you will be given an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and logic on Skype.

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Product Manager
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