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Group digital project & product manager

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Contenu de l'offre Group digital project & product manager chez Rothschild & Co

Group digital project & product manager

About us
As one of the world's largest independent financial advisory groups, we know that it takes a distinct perspective to make a meaningful difference to our clients’ business and wealth.
Rothschild & Co is a global and family-controlled group. We provide M&A, strategy and financing advice, as well as investment and wealth management solutions to large institutions, families, individuals and governments, worldwide.
Having been at the centre of the world's financial markets for more than 200 years we can rely on an unrivalled global network of more than 3,800 talented employees and a track-record of outstanding execution with 50 offices around the world.
Our integrated global network of trusted professionals and decision makers around the world provide in-depth market intelligence, meaning we can be closer to current issues than any other global financial institution in our core markets.
It is this scale, local knowledge and intellectual capital that allow us to provide a distinct perspective and effective long-term solutions for our partners.

Role Overview

As part of our effort to digitise Rothschild & Co, we have created a Group Digital team in charge of designing and implementing the Group’s digital roadmap. Business processes digitisation is part of this ambition, as a key lever for client’s satisfaction and business efficiency. You will be responsible for leading the deployment and adoption of the group wide electronic signature solution (DocuSign) across Regions, Divisions and Functions. As a key enabler of Digital Transformation, you will plan, manage, and oversee the end to end setup and usage of the service in all our locations. You will identify and prioritise use cases, drive adoption, track benefits realisation, and report on return on investment.

You will deliver a high level of product management and expertise to support the end-to-end use of electronic and digital signatures across all use cases.

You will ensure DocuSign best practices are applied in relation to business and technical matters across the group to drive usage whilst ensuring controls.

The role will lead a network of Administrators and Champions, who will responsible for the administration and management of DocuSign users, user groups, and templates.

The role requires a blend of both technical knowledge and business acumen, combined with an affinity for legal compliance, as well as strong communication and collaboration skills.

The role will be based in Paris or London, it will require a global mind-set and the requirement of occasional travel to our other locations.


Account setup

Introduce electronic signatures as a business solution including different signature types to users each with various requirements

Integrate DocuSign in the current and evolving IT landscape to facilitate its seamless use wherever existing applications can be automatically connected to DocuSign

Work with coordinators across the group to help define and confirm their requirements and use cases

Identify requirements for Qualified and Advanced Signatures and embed into processes

Identify configuration and integration requirements for use cases in customer onboarding journey

Coordinate account set-up with coordinators, IT and DocuSign ensuring users are adequately trained and complying with the terms of use

Administer account inductions, training and troubleshooting and ensure settings and controls are in place

Makes front-end configurations to leverage full functionality

Participates in use case testing and provides feedback

Championing DocuSign

Using best practices converts/redesigns existing paper forms into a format suitable for use in an eSignature platform including use of templates and integrations (e.g. Workday)

Support transition of use cases from simple to advanced and qualified as regulations and business requirements change

Acts as a trusted advisor for DocuSign products and advanced DocuSign features

Ensure compliance with eIDAS regulations in Europe

Implement appropriate charge back process to Divisions for envelope usage

Day to day support for accounts and users

Monitor usage, processes, controls and plan to embed in BAU to governance forums

Design and maintain documentation about business, legal and technical choices made during deployment.


6+ years of business process management in a global environment.

Deep expertise in project management and implementation in the business processes digitization area in large organizations

Knowledgeable in DocuSign account administration, expertise Recognition Program certifications (DocuSign eSignature Administration Specialist, API Specialist, Template Specialist, Agreement Cloud Specialist, Organization Management Specialist), or equivalent preferred.

Excellent written and oral communication skills, with strong interpersonal skills at all levels.

Strong presentation skills (written and verbal).

Proven ability to establish and maintain strong relationships with team members and clients.

Commercially astute and financially literate you will be experienced in working with supplier contacts

Experience of professional services is beneficial

Bilingual English & French speaker is preferred


Location: Paris

Type: Full time

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